Trouble deleting rigs from Rig Manager

  • please use the latest version and let us know if the issue persists.

    I will, G String. When the non-beta release occurs.

    I only submitted a ticket, even 'though I said in the thread (not this one) that I didn't actually care one bit about this, because you suggested I do so (in that thread), so I figured, as a favour to you guys, I'd see if I could nut this out with someone on the Team™ just in case there was something to be learned that could somehow help you guys in the future.

    It's conceivable that figuring out a bug that you weren't aware of and have difficulty reproducing (probably partly 'cause it's been a PC on your end and I'm on Mac), even if it belonged to a legacy release, could help prevent or identify future pitfalls.

    So far we've not succeeded, and this won't be helped by the fact that, as I said in my last post, that by ignoring the prompt by RM to do a Rig check and deleting the duplicates via RM seems to have solved the issue for now. I can't reproduce it... for now, so for the time being at least it's dead in the water. Pity, 'cause I was hoping you guys'd discover some little gremlin that was hiding in the code.

    Thanks for the suggestion, mate. I will provide feedback once the upgrade is done... as soon as you finish the non-beta version 4.