Profile for swing guitar in the style of Freddie Green

  • My secret weapon : the body resonance profiles from Soundside!
    changes your strat into a hollow body ...

    Well, if you mentioned the package 001-Acoustic-Pack it's already on the "To Do List", if I getback my KPA.
    My physical skills make me doubt a little, whether this is really possible.
    But I also could not believe that it's possible to simulate an amplifier in such good quality before i have heard it with my own ears.

    Thanks for the hint - Harry

  • Thank for reading the L6 post, Harry.

    I honestly only find the strat sounds too synthetic. The sitar also, but for solos in a mix context this one's fine. The standard LP is a little lifeless, but some of the tele sounds are eminently useable IMHO.

    I am surprised you can't use any of the jazz offerings as many of them sound warm and quite organic to me. Even Scott Henderson (yeah, I know, he's no Benson, but a competent player nevertheless) used at least one of the jazz models on a recent album, and he had choices. I do wonder whether or not you updated to the HD-model firmware. This was version 2.0 onwards. All the models were updated - tweaked and what have you, but also in higher resolution / fidelity. If you're still on a 1.x version, I highly recommend you update and reassess the sounds on offer - just so you know. At least it'll ensure that one of the guitars you have is the best it can be.

    Anyway, you're the judge when it comes to your own sounds and playing, and I fully respect that, mate. Please don't think I was being pushy. I'm aware of the JTV's limitations (Clint would be proud), but was a little excited 'cause I thought its strengths might just fit your needs.

    Hopefully these new-fangled resonance profiles will be the ticket, mate. Fingers crossed...

  • I am surprised you can't use any of the jazz offerings as many of them sound warm and quite organic to me. Even Scott Henderson (yeah, I know, he's no Benson, but a competent player nevertheless) used at least one of the jazz models on a recent album, and he had choices. I do wonder whether or not you updated to the HD-model firmware. This was version 2.0 onwards. All the models were updated - tweaked and what have you, but also in higher resolution / fidelity.

    Hi - thanks for the long comment.
    Before I had chosen Kemper I tried also the Helix. (At same time)
    The decision was very close (in another threat i explained that) but at the end Kemper stayed with me.
    Normally I do not use so much effects and the Kemper impressed me more.

    The jazz sounds of the variax are quite usable but not so meaningful for me in the rock band.
    In the big band I played some Gigs and it was OK but not so good as it was with a really jazz guitar.
    This time (happened also last time) we will not play a jazzy repertoire (except one or two tunes) so I can use my Strat (love this sound).

    But one thing I would want to emphasize.
    Sure, I could use the Variax and any other guitar.
    We are not at a such high professional level, that it would be disruptive.
    But as the only one, who normally is not to contradict, sometimes mentioned. I am a little fool in this matter. :D

    stay tuned - Harry

    Edited once, last by Sharry (December 15, 2015 at 9:22 AM).