Recommended approach to handle power failures

  • I have read a lot of threads regarding this topic, but i don't find the recommend approach.

    Heres my problem.

    On a gig on Saturday I experienced a situation with power failure and an error message on my Kemper. A fuse was blown and we lost all electricity on stage because someone spilt a drink inside a power strip…

    We got the power back and my Kemper started to boot, everything seemed ok, but suddenly I got a message on the Kemper that something was wrong with an error code and a message that I should take a picture of this screen and send it to support. Since this was in the middle of a gig I did not have time to take a picture. I turned my Kemper off and turned it on once more, then the message was gone, and everything seems ok for now.

    My questions are: What happened? What was that message? Will it appear again when power failure? I thought it is kind of "safe" to kill the Kempers power. The shut down procedure. What if there is a power outage.

    What is the recommend approach to handle power failure lik this? I have read something about that the Kemper has a built in surge protector thats needs (a lot of) time to «restart». Do I need a UPS to handle situation like this? Or is external surge protector enough to prevent the "restart" time?