• Dear utha,
    No matter how well intended the advice is, NO buzz is worth risking getting fried for. In my opinion, removing grounds is not really well 'grounded' advice!
    Health and safety first.
    Systematic elimination of potential sources of the 'buzz' within safe confines next.
    Incidentally, do you still get the problem if you use headphones to monitor?

    I hope you safely find the solution to your issues.
    Kind regards

  • sorry to revive an old thread. One of my old strats does this but all the issues go away if I slightly engage the guitars volume control. In other words, all the way off = noise. Slightly cracked NO noise.

    Curious to hear your results.

  • I am encountering exactly the same noise issue.
    I have the powered toaster since a couple of weeks and both a Marshall 1936 (2x12) cabinet and an active monitor (dB Flexsys).
    Both have the same noise issue, but only when a note is actually played on my guitar.
    if I turn down the volume on my guitar it is dead silent. If I turn it up and play a note, the noise/hiss is in the background clearly audible.
    Some rigs are really bad, others not. The moment I switch off the "Amp" section on the Kemper, the noise is gone.
    I have tried to eliminate all types of sources for the issue (lights off, Pc disconnected, Tv off, different cables, noise gate, different volume settings,...) but nothing has changed.
    The level of noise is definetely linked to the type of guitar, some are more silent, others are really bad. a PRS513 is really bad for example (even in humbucker mode). "Bad" is for sure relative, the moment you crank the whole thing up the noise will be more hard to hear due to the overall volume level and it's not that the noise is way louder than the real tone, but once you hear it you don't stop hearing it and that annoys me.

    I have searched the forum intensively and this thread is the closest one (although there are others) to my issue. Unfortunately this thread does not seem to be "solved" yet, so I am interested to find out if others have te same issue and/or how this can be best managed/fixed.

  • Any luck with this yet? I hve the powerhead and it's the same thing. It's pretty disappointing because by the time you turn up the noise gates to try and combat the issue, it messes with the tone amd tails of everything. I read people saying the Kemper is super quite, but I find it to be louder than the real amps it's profiling.