KPA solutions "Blueamps 212 FR-A" cabinet not loud..

  • Just a somewhat conclusion to this thread as I managed to try out a DXR10 side by side with my KPA Blueamps FR-A cab last night in the studio.

    I hooked the KPA up to the monitor out and the CXR10 connected to the main XLR out.
    This way I could play them individually adjusting the volume for each output within the Output menu, using the same profiles.

    The DXR10 sounded pretty good. It wasn't nearly as boomy as the KPA is.
    I was actually pretty surprised how loud this little thing actually can play.
    The KPA was (as previously mentioned) more bommy, but somehow I think it has more power - it also have 2x12" speakers opposed to the DXR single 10" speaker.
    I don't think a single DXR10 would be sufficient for my use - but maybe a pair could do it.

    I must investigate further in order to find out how to tweak my Kemper to get the sound right for the KPA, because it is a great cab.
    Maybe I should buy a pro-made profile which a lot in this forum is using to have the best starting point.
    So please if someone could recommend some profiles from the bluesy category, please let me know.

    Conclusion must be that the DXR10 is highly recommendable for use with the Kemper.
    Whether I am gonna get me a pair of DXR10s will depend on how I can make the KPA sound.

    Best regards and thank you all for your replies to this thread.

  • I'm afraid your last post is a bit confusing for people who didn't follow the whole thread. Ok, "CXR10" is an obvious typo (as is "bommy" - ha, I like this word, it's the nickname of a fellow keyboard player) but I think you're confusing "KPA" with the "Blueamps 212" here, don't you? I guess it's because Tilman and "Gitarrenschlumpf" call their company "KPA-Solutions", but for most people here "KPA" (Kemper Profiling Amplifier) is just the thing itself.

    Edited once, last by Kreisi (December 12, 2015 at 7:36 PM).

  • Kreisi, you could be right.
    When I refer to KPA, I refer to the Blueamps 212 FR-A cabinet from KPA-solutions.
    DXR10 is the active monitor produced by Yamaha.

    But still if someone is to read part of a thread and they get confused I think most people further interested would read the original post.