Rig Manager 1.5.20 v3 crashing Mac OSX 10.11

  • 1.5.20
    OS X 10.11
    Location added: Local Library
    Location added: Local Library
    Location added: Rig Exchange
    RigExchange Connect Execute started, private=0
    opened new KPA with serial xxxxxxxxxxx version
    XML request success
    RigExchange Connect Execute started, private=1
    XML request success
    Location added: XTRMProfiler
    XML parsing error 2: Line 2, Col 20: tag or eof expected, illegal character
    XML parsing error 2: Line 2, Col 20: tag or eof expected, illegal character

    OS X 10.11
    Location added: Local Library
    Location added: Local Library
    Location added: Rig Exchange
    RigExchange Connect Execute started, private=0
    XML request success
    RigExchange Connect Execute started, private=1
    XML request success
    XML parsing error 2: Line 2, Col 20: tag or eof expected, illegal character
    XML parsing error 2: Line 2, Col 20: tag or eof expected, illegal character

  • It seems you have a private rig uploaded to Rig Exchange whose name contains characters that make Rig Manager crash. Please contact support and provide the following file:
    ~/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager/RigExchangePriv.xml
    You will need to use "Go to Folder" from the Finder menu to get there, because ~/Library is not visible.
    As a temporary solution, you can try to cut the Internet connection, launch Rig Manager and switch off Rig Exchange in Preferences. Let us know if this helps.

  • I wish guys would let us know if and how they fixed their problem. These things could easily happen to other people too. Knowledge grows by sharing.

    My problem was fixed by completely clearing all files from my Kemper folders on my computer, including ~/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager. I then reinstalled and it worked. I then reimported all of my commercial rigs into Rig Manager.

  • My problem was fixed by completely clearing all files from my Kemper folders on my computer, including ~/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager. I then reinstalled and it worked. I then reimported all of my commercial rigs into Rig Manager.

    I keep all my profiles in a folder on my desktop. Should I back those up and delete as well? I tried deleting the .lib file and reinstalling but that did not fix the issue.

  • JerEvil,

    That's exactly what I did. I deleted everything after backing up my commercial rigs. Once everything was deleted from my computer, I installed the older version of Rig Manager 1.35. I got it working without my Kemper connected. Including the Rig exchange. then I updated to 1.5.13 beta and checked it. It all worked fine. Then I connected to my Kemper and that worked as well. At that point I powered down my Kemper and updated to 1.5.20. I started it without the Kemper connected after rebooting my computer. Made sure everything was good with all of that. Once I confirmed that was working, I connected my Kemper and made sure that was working. I then imported my Favorites and Performances from my Kemper. Then finally I reimported all of my commercial rigs and organized them. Since then everything has worked fine. I think the main things was that it cleared out the Private uploaded rigs from my system with illegal characters. I'm not sure why but it's working now.

    One thing I have noticed is that my Kemper will occasionally lock when I'm editing performances through the Rig Manager. It sometimes doesn't put rigs in the correct slot and Rig Manager isn't changing the name of the slot if the slot is already occupied. My work around has been to work on the performance locally in Rig Manager then move it to the Kemper after deleting the old performance from the Kemper. HTH

    The places I deleted where:

    Applications/Rig Manager

    Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps


    Mac HD/Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Kemper

    Mac HD/Library/Extensions/KemperProfiler.kext

  • Tried all this last night and the app still opens but will not display the main window. When I go to any of the menu's it crashes.

    I am on Firmware 3.1.2 and the newest version of RM. Should I maybe update to the 3.2 release firmware?

  • Just an update:

    THANKS to Kemper! They are amazing and put up with my stupidity like true professionals.

    Guys, when storing rigs in Rig Manager, do not get too detailed.

    My file structure was like this

    > Pack 1
    > Amp Name
    > Amp Name
    > Amp Name

    Now, imagine that for EVERY profile I purchased. It was way too many subfolders. If you run into the issue where RM just won't even boot, you need to delete your rigs and start over. I was told I could start removing enough until the app loaded but I just tossed them all.

    I am on a Mac and here's the instruction they sent me. Worked perfectly and I am back up and running. Thanks again.

    ~/library/application support/Kemper Amps/RigManager/

    This gets you to the Local Library folder and I was able to trash it.