• Hi all,
    I've noticed a couple of people have a H9 and was just wondering on settings people like.

    I have a H9 and the presets are way over the top for me and each algorithm is so tweakable that it's a little beyond me. I love good tone and effects but hate tweaking, one of the reasons I went for Kemper.

    eventide have a forum where there are a couple of threads about settings but always interested in what the community here thinks too. What they really need is something like the kemper Rig Exchange!

  • Love my H9 with the KPA.

    I'm using my H9 via the stereo loop, in the X Slot of my KPA. 100% Mix on the stereo loop. I use the "Mix" control in the H9 to set the level of the H9 effects not the KPA's mix control.

    Wiring is:
    KPA Direct Out/Send to H9 Input Mono
    H9 L & R outs returning to KPA Return & Alternative Input.
    Midi Out of the KPA to Midi In of the H9

    In KPA system menu on page 13, you have two devices which you can name and assign different midi channels. You only need to use one of them for the H9. The other could be used for another midi pedal if you have one. I use "A" for my H9. You can assign it to any of the 16 midi channels. Just make sure to put your H9 on the same midi channel via the Pedal/Midi Settings page of the H9 Control software. I only use the one midi pedal, so I keep my H9 set to Omni.
    On page 14 of the KPA system menu, check the Send Midi Clock box. This will send midi clock signal to your H9, syncing it with the KPA's tempo. You also have to configure the H9 to Receive the midi clock from the KPA, via the Pedal/Midi Settings/Midi Clock page of H9 Control. Change "Enable Midi Clock Input" to yes.

    Once the above is setup you can have your H9 switch to a different patch for every rig in each performance. In any performance, click the edit button then edit settings, then midi settings, if I remember correctly. Then use the first knob to select your H9 Device that you setup earlier. Use the 2nd knob to choose any of the H9's 127 programs. Don't forget to store your performance afterwards. Repeat this for every rig in every performance, if you want. '

    Hope that gives you something to start with.

  • No problem. There's a lot of cool possibilities with the KPA & H9. I have mine setup so that every rig in every performance selects the correct H9 program, and sets the H9 tempo to match the KPA. Using the tap tempo on my FCB1010 foot controller changes both the KPA and the H9 to the tapped tempo.

    Now I'm just trying to figure out what to do with that 2nd midi device channel in the KPA? Between the KPA &H9, I'm pretty much covered for effects......

    Maybe sending program changes and/or clock sync to a midi lighting rig would be cool? Every rig change in the KPA would also change the stage lighting scheme.......hmmm......or even better....Every time I select a soloing rig in the KPA, it also sends a program change to our lighting system, which turns on a spotlight pointing at me......... :D

    Edited once, last by davec69 (October 14, 2015 at 1:13 AM).

  • I got my H9 yesterday and like the sound of it as such. But the factory presets aren't real useful in a song, I'm looking for some recommendation of multi-tap preset to start with. My goal is to have a delay, which is similar to ancient Meazzi or Binson echo tapes/disks. Any thoughts?

  • Congrats Dragonsf. I felt the same way, when I got my H9. It's a bit overwhelming at first. I bought the H9max, and I couldn't find one usable program in it. After a few days of tweaking I had a full bank of 99 usable programs.

    If you're looking for sounds, make sure to join the Eventide Users Forum here:


    Also, put your email into this thread and you will be given dropbox access to many user shared programs for the H9


  • Davec69,

    It sounds like you're where I want to get to!. I've had my H9 for a couple of years and love it…. but only just got my Kemper a couple of weeks ago and want to connect it like you have through midi (to recall Kemper/H9 performance rigs with my Kemper foot pedal). I'm not a midi guru whatsoever so it's sounding a bit daunting. I've read a lot but I can't find anything about locking H9 programs into the Kemper.

    The Question :)
    Can you explain what you do to get the Kemper to "record" or "learn" what H9 setting to call up. I imagine you have a performance slot ready, then manually call up the H9 setting you want…… what do you then do/press to lock that H9 program into that Kemper performance slot?

    Thanks in advance.

  • The easiest way to get your H9 programs changes synced to your KPA, is the way I mentioned above. Each rig in every performance can send program change messages to two different midi devices / midi channels. Your KPA can also send midi clock information to other midi devices, to keep them in tempo sync. Both of these features are disabled in the KPA by default. To get this working, you have to enable them first.

    IMPORTANT - You must have a midi cable going from the "Midi Out" port of your KPA, going to the "Midi In" port of your H9 or other device for this to work. If you want to add a 2nd device, grab another midi cable and go from the "Midi Thru" (not midi out) of the second device to the "Midi In" of the third device, then setup the second device channel in the KPA and put it on a different midi channel than the first device.

    1. Setup the two midi devices/midi channels in your KPA.

    In KPA system menu on page 13, you have two devices which you can name and assign different midi channels. You only need to use one of them for the H9. The other could be used for another midi pedal if you have one. I use "A" for my H9. You can assign it to any of the 16 midi channels. Just make sure to put your H9 on the same midi channel via the Pedal/Midi Settings page of the H9 Control software. I only use the one midi pedal, so I keep my H9 set to Omni.

    2. Make sure your H9 is on the same midi channel that you told your KPA it was on it step 1 above.

    If the midi device that you are sending to is not on the same midi channel, then it will not receive the program changes (or any other midi information) from your KPA. Luckily, your H9 is assigned to OMNI midi mode from the factory. This is a special midi channel which receives midi information on all of the 16 available midi channels at the same time. If you only plan on using the H9 with your KPA, then you are fine leaving it in OMNI mode. If you decide later to add a second midi device, then you'll want to turn off OMNI mode in the H9, and assign it to a specific midi channel, so your H9 doesn't also receive midi changes being sent to the 2nd device.

    3. Turn on the "Send Midi Clock" in the KPA. This will keep your H9's tempo locked with the KPA, for rigs that have their tempo enabled.

    On page 14 of the KPA system menu, check the Send Midi Clock box. This will send midi clock signal to your H9, syncing it with the KPA's tempo. You also have to configure the H9 to Receive the midi clock from the KPA, via the Pedal/Midi Settings/Midi Clock page of H9 Control. Change "Enable Midi Clock Input" to yes.

    4. Go into each rig in each performance and tell it what H9 program you want to use with that rig.

    In any performance, click the edit button then edit settings, then midi settings, if I remember correctly. Then use the first knob to select your H9 Device that you setup earlier. Use the 2nd knob to choose any of the H9's 127 programs. Don't forget to store your performance afterwards. Repeat this for every rig in every performance, if you want.

    FYI. The KPA only sends program changes when a new rig is selected. To see if you setup and stored the right program change, switch to a different rig, then back to the rig you just saved. When you switch back, the KPA should send the midi program change to your H9.

    Edited once, last by davec69 (October 18, 2015 at 6:46 AM).

  • Thanks for that…. Your point "4." was what I was after. I only want to use 1 MIDI device (the H9)

    when you say use "knob 2" on the Kemper…. Something comes up on the Kemper screen and you turn it to choose a number? (one of programs 1 thru 127). Then store it.

    Sounds like I'll have to get the MIDI cables, hook it up and just have a play around until it works :)

    Thanks again…. very kind!

  • Yes. Once you get to the midi edit page in the performance, the knobs which are normally Bass and Middle, change function.

    The Bass knob selects the one of the two devices

    The Middle knob selects the program you want to recall on the H9 or other midi device.

    You need to set both.

  • Ha Ha.
    I can't recommend the Eventide H9 enough. It's a jack of all trades and master of them all.
    The other killer is it has it's own iPad/iPhone app so you can connect by blue tooth deep dive into all the programs/settings by intuitive touch screen.