• Hello Everyone

    I have a question about the Loop Distortion. I have a few Gain & Fuzz Pedals I like. I have
    tried them in front of the Kemper, depending on the Rig chosen, have gotten OK to good results.

    I'd like to try them in the Loop Distortion, to see if they sound better or different, but not sure how to hook it up.

    I have my Delay / Reverb stuff in the Standard Effects Loop and I add that by going to X Effects slot and
    choosing the Loop Mono when I want to add it to a sound. I had read that on this site and it seems to work
    very well.

    So, for the Gain Pedals, do I just run them in the same standard Effects Loop right along with the Delay / Reverbs
    but instead on Loop Mono, I use Loop Distortion to add them to the sound ?

    If so, can I still chose Loop Mono for Delay / Reverb within that same Rig ?

    I keep reading you choose Stomp A - D.......maybe even only D for the External Gain Pedals, so is that where I
    would access my above Loop Distortion idea ? Thus enabling me to still use the Delay / Reverb under the Effects X ?

    I feel confused, but not sure....something just doesn't seem right !

    As usual, any and all help along with suggestions are welcome are always greatly appreciated.


    Mr Giggles