Kemper reboot onstage

  • Hi all,

    Just got my unit a couple weeks ago - the tone is bone crushing onstage, however, in the middle of a song at the first show I took it to - it just rebooted. I turn around, and there's the status bar creeping creeping creeping (while the rest of the band is still playing the song) til I finally get signal back. (after about 30 agonizing embarrassing seconds). I am running through a UPS, so I know I didn't lose power, I have the unit mounted in a rack with a Mesa 20/20 power amp underneath it, and the rack was sitting on top of my 2x12 cab. Are these units prone to vibration? Anyone else experience this?

    We were about an hour in to the first set when it happened - and then it was flawless the next 2 sets. I just updated to the latest firmware 3.1.2 - so not sure if this was the cause or what. I'm a little nervous about taking it to the next show.......

  • I had that happen to me twice on stage. It is a very painful experience. After the first time, which had also included crashes during practice, I contacted support and they had me send it in to get fixed. The newly repaired unit then crashed a couple more times after I received it, so after contacting support again, they replaced the unit. No problems at all with the new unit; not one crash in 10-15 gigs plus practices.

    if your problem isn't related to firmware and you have another crash, you may want to contact support.

  • only had this happen in once in over 3-400 gigs ...and that WAS because of a dodgy power supply ..have just updated to 3.14 today ( with zero issues I might add hurrah ....) three gigs this week again so ..fingers crossed all will be well ...hope you sort out your problem YYZ

  • Hey guys -

    I just got on and checked this - thinking surely someone has replied...and I see you have! I gotta figure out how to turn on e-mail notifications.....

    Anyways - latest firmware downloaded and will be applied today. I will definitely check the power cable next time around. Due to a flaky drummer, we don't get to practice that much, but I will be using it as often as possible to make sure this isn't a recurring issue.

    Thanks all!


  • This has never happened to me at a gig but happens often at rehearsal--100% of the time it is because of the power outlet that I'm plugging into. They are very loose where we rehearse and all it takes it a tiny vibration from the universe to shut the power off for a split second, which results in a reboot. Not enough to shut off or restart any of my other gear but the KPA is pretty sensitive.

    I recall back in the early days of this forum guys were talking about only certain UPS systems being stable enough for the KPA. If I understood correctly, since you are essentially plugging into battery that is backed up by mains power that battery needs to supply a constant level of electricity and only the more expensive types of UPS will do this. The more common ones aren't stable enough.

    I've never used one but you might research old posts on this forum where they were talking about the different UPS. That could be a concern if you are always using one that isn't ideal for the KPA.
