{Solved} Moved to new OS install now missing favorite designations

  • I am on windows, and moved to a new SSD which caused me to reinstall everything including RM. After reinstalling I copied my data from %AppData%/Local/Kemper Amps/ to my new machine along with the original program directory. I see everything I had before, all folders and rigs, but all my favorite marks are now missing. I really want those back - I don't understand why those didn't transfer? Are they stored in a different location?

    Edited once, last by mwinter77 (August 23, 2015 at 6:36 PM).

  • Reply from Mother ship and the problem is solved.

    For others that may run into this issue the problem had to do with the RM author name as specified in RM preferences. This must match exactly to the name the database was created with. In my case when I reinstalled I had 'mwinter' vs. 'Mwinter' originally and that was enough difference to cause my favorites to not show up once I restored my backup. The author name specified in RM must match exactly including case for the favorites to show up for that author.

  • This is correct, but OTOH I've alwais been asked if I wanted to match the names again every time there was a mismatch... Has this happened to you?

    Yes, I have gotten this message but only when the RM author setting didn't match the connected KPA's author. It does not ask if the RM author doesn't match the RM repository DB settings in my experience.