Cant find a Reverb rig that the Profiler says is loaded

  • Hi all,

    I loaded the Kemper with a file called "MAB SPACE VERB - 2014-11-20 22-18-07.kipr"
    I got this from a thread on the forum in a zip file
    When I scroll thru the reverb presets on the Kemper its not showing there.
    I have scrolled thru every preset area (reverb, stomps, delays, mod and x) and cant see it anywhere.
    If I put the file on a USB stick and try to load it into the Kemper and it says its already there
    I have loaded other files from these reverb/delay presets and none of them seem to appear in the Kemper preset listings
    Is there another way to find preset files on the Kemper?

  • You are using the "Browse" knob and not the "Type" knob to look for the presets?


    To amplify on the good advice provided by alwainright...

    First, make sure you have entered the reverb menu by pushing the reverb soft button. Once the reverb menu has come up on the screen, start turning the the Browse knob (on the top right of the display). The Browse knob will scroll you through all the available reverb "presets". Hopefully, you will find the MAB SPACE VERB preset in this list.

    Edit: I just noticed your reply to Al.

    Are you sure you have the reverb menu open in the display screen?

  • Hi Tritium

    Yes doing as you have described but not seeing the preset
    Dont know why

    Hi Aussiejoe,

    It is possible that this is a combination Delay AND Reverb preset. So, instead of hitting the reverb soft button...hit the main "EFFECTS" soft button, directly below the four post FX buttons. Then, once the "Effects" menu appears, start scrolling with the Browse knob, and look for the MAB SPACE VERB preset.

    Let us know if that works.
