problems using KPA with Liquid Foot 12+

  • What mode do you have your LF in?

    preset, song, set list?

    also check on how the preset up/down buttons are set on the pages screen.
    there is a setting where it will just scroll through the presets and not trigger the PC.

    i think it's in the middle of the page and options are toggle only, trigger only, and toggle and trigger.
    this allows you to scroll through your presets and not load each one in real time.

    hope that helps, let us know if not.


  • hi sean,
    marco helped me out with the presets not changing. it looks like "process scroll events" should've been checked. thanks marco!!!! :)

    i'm having 3 other problems now :(

    1. i want buttons 9 and 12 to be my tuner (9) and tap tempo (12). it's ok when the LF isn't connected to the KPA but once i connect it to my KPA and start switching presets, the names of these buttons start changing to compressor, wah, etc... i want them always to read tuner and tap tempo

    2. i want to be able to name my IA buttons differently from patch to patch. you should be able to do this using the IA labels column on the "presets" page in the editor. it's not letting me do this

    3. my MIDI Prg Chg #'s keep changing in the KPA when i scroll from rig to rig. i'm not sure why this is happening. it even happens when the LF 12+ isn't connected

  • Can you share a bit about your setup.

    the page you are using, what are the button assignments?

    i have buttons 1 and 5 as context up/down.

    button 9 is my tuner, the other 9 buttons are preset placeholders, so they read B#1, B#2 and so forth up to 9
    this stands for bank assignments and not hard coded preset numbers. Important to understand that concept.

    so in the editor view the page you are using and go into button view and what is assigned to each button?


  • hi sean!

    sure. first off, i've had my LF12+ for 3 or 4 years now and it was working flawlessly with my axe fx 2 (which i sold to get my KPA rack). i'll try to go more in depth into the 3 problems that i'm having.

    1. the way i've always used my LF12+ is pretty primitive but it works for me:

    buttons 1 and 5 scroll up and down through my presets

    button 9 is my tuner

    button 12 is my tap tempo

    buttons 2-4, 6-8, 10-11 are my individual stomp boxes (chorus, delay, drive, etc....)

    in the editor, i'm looking in button view and it shows that button 9 is indeed the tuner and button 12 is tap tempo. i'm using this same page as a template for all of my patches.

    however, when i connect my LF 12+ to the KPA and start scrolling from patch to patch, the names on these buttons will change. so, instead of button 9 always being named tuner, it changes to compressor, wah, etc.... i don't understand why the name keeps changing. it's interesting to note that i can still access the tuner even if the name on the button doesn't say tuner.

    2. the other problem i'm having is that the names of my IA's keep changing as well. i want to be able to name my own IA's from preset to preset and i'm not able to. in the editor, on the "presets" page, there is a little column all the way to the right called "IA labels". it looks like you can create your own custom IA names for every preset and i'm not able to do this.

    3. lastly, (i'm in brower mode) i've assigned MIDI Prg Chg numbers to 7 different rigs right now but these numbers keep changing as i go from rig to rig. i'm also noticing that the program change numbers are sometimes not being displayed in the lower right hand corner of the display next to the name of the rig. for instance, sometimes the little number 1 is displayed next to the rig name and sometimes it isn't. is my KPA defective or is there some setting that's causing this to happen?

    thanks guys!!!

    p.s. i can send you a syx file if you'd like to look at it

  • 1. Take a look at the IA Slots. #59 is your tap tempo. You set it to "Sync Device" KPA Stomp A. Sync it to NONE. Same with #60. Don´t sync.

    2. Presets. "Enable External-Device_Sync on IA´s" has to be off. Use the table on the right for your own "IA Labels".

    3. Happens to my KPA, too. But it´s no problem for me.

    hi marco,
    1. ok, you solved the KPA renaming the tuner and tap tempo buttons. thanks!

    2. on the preset page, i've turned off "Enable External-Device_Sync on IA´s" and it still won't let me name my own IA's in each preset

    3. so this is a defect in the firmware? it's a HUGE problem for me because right now i'm trying to get to preset 3 on the LF 12+ and i can't because the KPA has changed the MIDI program change # from 3 to 2 on that rig!!!!

  • You are on the right path, but missing the final step. When you call up rig two then hit system, it doesn't automatically show you the PC assigned to it. It's still showing rig 1

    so do what you are doing in the video, then change the first control to midi PC#2, this should then show you what's assigned to that PC#.

    then if you hit the assign but in the top right it will change the current rig to PC#2 for example.


  • That's really strange, may need a support ticket.

    Can you do a quick video showing you step through the rigs you've assigned from the system menu.

    And scroll through the first couple using the first parameter knob to show the different rigs assigned.
