Kemper stereo

  • Hello guys,

    I have a question from a friend of mine who is consindering to maybe buy a kemper profiler.
    His question below:

    I would like to use the Kemper Profiler as a standalone preamp but with STEREO effects. It’s not clear to me how to setup this configuration. I would like to connect with stereo effects to the mixing table and also to an external stereo poweramp/stereo speakercabinet..
    I understood that there are internal stereo effects. But what’s the best configuration to also connect an 19inch Eventide Eclipse effectprocessor ?
    Thanks for your recommendations,

    Any experience with this guys?



  • The Profiler delivers a stereo signal at its main outs, headphone out and SPDIF out.
    The ampstack signal is mono but the effect section runs in stereo.
    If the external effect that you want to use has a mono input you can insert it into the FX loop of the Profiler which offers a mono send and a stereo return.
    If the external effect has a stereo input you must connect it to the Profiler in a serial fashion.