Origin Audio - New Pack - Earforce One

  • Hey Mago, any chance you could look at doing an Orange Rocker/Rockerverb pack at some point if you ever happen to get your hands on one please? I'm struggling to find many merged profiles anywhere, seems crazy for how popular they are.

  • Hey Mago, any chance you could look at doing an Orange Rocker/Rockerverb pack at some point if you ever happen to get your hands on one please? I'm struggling to find many merged profiles anywhere, seems crazy for how popular they are.

    Hey Ben, I wasn't actually aware that there's that kind of demand. I know of a Thunderverb 200 and a Rockerverb 50 if I'm not mistaken, would that do the trick?
    I don't have any schedule for the next time (other work keeps getting in the way), but I wanna do a lot more amps.

    So if those do the trick I'll also include them to the list ;)

  • Hi @Mago, thanks for the reply!

    They aren't crazy popular but I see them gigging quite frequently. For me the Rocker is *the* Orange sound, even at smaller gigs you can really crank them and they just sound wonderful. But I've heard a few of the guys playing them complain about balancing the clean and dirty channels and no fx loop, which makes gigging merged profiles of one with a real cab amazing because those problems are solved!

    I think the Thunderverb is a bit more modern sounding, probably a bit more similar to what you already offer, but the Rockerverb 50 would be a great complimentary pack I think. I'm not 100%, but I believe the Rocker is a stripped back Rockerverb.

  • I guess in the long run I'll do all the amps I can do, and the Rockerverb and Thunderverbs where always the Oranges I was more interested in compared to others of their line!

    I'm in the middle of finishing a new pack, here's some samples in the mean time!

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  • Mago, the ubershell is absolutely KICK ASS, man please please please do the thunder verb and rock verb, il even give you the pay pal up front, thats how impressed i am with the ubershell. I dont know if its the mesa cab or your talent or both.,.

    Mago, you are the shite, they are smooth as brother..i am using a LP on them so far and cant put them down.
    hanging out for the rest man.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Those JC samples sound like what i always *believed *the JC100 could sound like, but never could get it there. Awesome!

    Say, are there raw, guitars-only samples of your Einstein?.. I'm considering it for a new album, but need some isolated samples to make the call.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Mago, the ubershell is absolutely KICK ASS, man please please please do the thunder verb and rock verb, il even give you the pay pal up front, thats how impressed i am with the ubershell. I dont know if its the mesa cab or your talent or both.,.

    Mago, you are the shite, they are smooth as brother..i am using a LP on them so far and cant put them down.
    hanging out for the rest man.


    haha thanks man!
    I'll do my best to find the time on those oranges ;)

    well I don't know how much it has to do with either talent or the mesa cab...I already made shitty cabs with the mesa that I didn't use and delete. Of course it's an awesome cab (one of the very best out there IMO), but you can f*ck up the micing on that one as well.

    as far as talent goes...you don't really wanna know how much time I spent learning how to mic a cab, so I wouldn't say it's a talent thing per se ;)

    Those JC samples sound like what i always *believed *the JC100 could sound like, but never could get it there. Awesome!

    Say, are there raw, guitars-only samples of your Einstein?.. I'm considering it for a new album, but need some isolated samples to make the call.

    Thanks! Maybe the JCA still had those stock pre amp tubes? Those take a lot of life out the amp, upgrading them really opens the amp up and lets it breathe.
    Also the orange cab I used on this pack is a really good match for the amp.

    No there are no single guitar clips yet of the Einstein. I kind of forgot about doing those, sorry! I'll do them this weekend!

  • You are the man brother, thank you so much, no wonder they sound that good because you put that time in, this fan is grabbing all the packs and looking forward to more. That Ubershell is just heavy enough to be a killer rock sound too. @All If you like Ubershell and don't get this man i cant help you.

    Cheers brother keep up the good work :)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Cheers guys! Oh yeah, the Über is not only a Metal monster. It does a lot of things really really well, dry british rock too!

    Well now I don't wanna disappoint and have to look into doing those Oranges haha

    here are the clips of the Einstein I promised!

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  • I'm pretty surprised how much I like to use the profiles myself. Really a little Diamond that amp!

    btw meambobbo, a while back you did a clip of the Uber pack with an Airis Effects Savage Drive. Been wanting to get one ever since I first heard a clip, your clip didn't make the GAS any better, so I jumped on a sale that was on lately. Really killer Pedal!

    If I get around I might update the Uber with some Savage Drive boosted profiles

  • Yeah mine is great. With 4.0, we get the mix parameter on distortion effects, so you can dial it back a bit on the screamer which lets it get thicker, but it still seems no match for the savage. I also have his solar flare (klon centaur based). Its really good, but theres some squeally high end resonance at certain settings right on the edge of how i like to set it. I can eq them out with the kemper with no effect on tone, but i want to hard wire a low pass into the pedal to not have to waste a block in the kpa for this purpose whenever i want to use the pedal. Its def high quality sound though, and a little more transparent than the savage in terms of dynamics, which i generally prefer. The savage has more control though.

    Would love some uber profiles with the savage baked in. I wish i had a 2nd kpa just to be able to do that.

  • I just tested your Arkown profiles and they sound really good.. Your profiling skill is on point!
    Here's a little clip, i used the first unboosted profile! Thanks Mago!

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  • Thanks man, nice clip! Love KsE!

    Working on a lot of stuff at the moment, I might be doing another bundle though, so I don't know yet if I'll release the single packs as I go.
    So people who want to get all the amps also get the benefit of the bundle and don't buy the single packs before hand!