Engl Retrotube E765 & Artist Edition E651 Profiles anyone?

  • Hey guys,

    the Engl Savage 60 was my first tube amp I owned and ever since I have been interested in Engl Amps.

    These days, I don't dig the full-shred metal sounds (only) any more (which the Savage perfectly delivered).

    Instead, the Retro Tube E756 or the recently announced Artist Edition E651 would be Tube amps I'd consider buying - if I didn't have the Kemper!!! :D

    That's why my question is, if anyone is planning to profile these amps? I'd definitely purchase the packs, and I guess a lot of guys would be interested in the great Crunch and Overdrive tones!

    Here's an advertisement of a Retro-Tube plugin simulation. I am sure, Kemper profiles would deliver the "real" tube feel/experience though!

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    Apart from the all-positive tests of the Artist Editon, here's an Engl Vid promoting the amp, that will be for purchase as of June 2015 (Germany):

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    Where are the Profiling Pros interested in Engl? :)


  • Andy over at TAF did an Engl pack a while back.
    The demo for it, on his site, is the Retrotube - which happened to be my favorite of the bunch by far.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • thanks for the hint, bigb6611!

    I have a Rectifier pack from ArthurD and also from Deadlightstudio. The latter one was profiled exactly to my taste (very natural, no FX, raw amp-settings, very rich details, ...) so I think I am gonna wait for these guys to come up with the new Engl Artist Edition.

  • That Invader is just too much for me - these massive possibility just confuse me

    Yes :D

    1 = Channel 1 clean no bright switch
    2 = Channel 1 clean with bright switch
    3 = Channel 1 crunch with bright switch
    4 = Channel 1 crunch no bright switch

    5 = Channel 2 crunch with bright switch no Highgain switch
    6 = Channel 2 High gain with bright switch no Highgain switch
    7 = channel 2 crunch no bright switch no Highgain switch
    8 = channel 2 High gain no bright switch no highgain switch
    9 = channel 2 High gain with bright switch Highgain engaged
    10 = channel 2 High gain with bright switch Highgain engaged + Maxon 808
    11 = channel 2 High gain no bright switch Highgain engaged
    12 = channel 2 High gain no bright switch Highgain engaged + Maxon 808
    13 = channel 2 High gain no bright switch Highgain engaged + Maxon 808 scooped
    14 = channel 2 High gain no bright switch Highgain engaged scooped

    15 = channel 3 low gain with bright switch no Highgain switch
    16 = channel 3 low gain with bright switch no Highgain switch + Maxon 808
    17 = channel 3 low gain no bright switch no Highgain switch
    18 = channel 3 low gain no bright switch no Highgain switch + Maxon 808
    19 = channel 3 High gain with bright switch Highgain engaged
    20 = channel 3 High gain with bright switch Highgain engaged + Maxon 808
    21 = channel 3 High gain with bright switch Highgain engaged scooped
    22 = channel 3 High gain with bright switch Highgain engaged + maxon 808 scooped
    23 = channel 3 High gain no bright switch Highgain engaged
    24 = Channel 3 High gain no bright switch Highgain engaged + Maxon 808
    25 = Channel 3 High gain no bright switch Highgain engaged scooped
    26 = Channel 3 High gain no bright switch Highgain engaged + Maxon 808 scooped

    Still Channel 4 to do :thumbup: but really killer amp, my favourite Engl so far!

  • Hi hi_range! if you are an ENGL lover be sure to check RE profiles from Uwe Steigmann and Phil Wiedbrauck.. ;)

    thanks, Hallan! I'll check these out! I am very sure, there's a lot hi-gain profiles around (Powerball, Fireball). What I am even more interested in is the Crunch and Overdrive tones of their newer amps that are said to be stellar, too.

    COMPLEXITY, that's what I mean, even w/o Ch.4.... my goodness.... 8o

  • Hi hi_range! if you are an ENGL lover be sure to check RE profiles from Uwe Steigmann and Phil Wiedbrauck.. ;)

    Man, these Engl profiles really rock!

    I was even impressed by that Ironball profiles although I don't like the "real" amp that much (has this high frequency "sizzle"). These profiles are perfect base for a modern rock-setup, thanks a lot for the tip!

    The Blackmore is a great amp, more Marshall territory if that comparison may be allowed. Nevertheless it has some nice touch of a slightly more "modern" sound and rich in overtones. The profiles transport that nicely and are usable straight away without much tweaking!