Kemper looper with fcb1010

  • Hey fellow kemper users! I have been having problems trying to activate the looper with the correct midi cc's I got from another Kemper thread. Whenever I turn on the looper on the kemper, I don't hear anything out of it. I tried everything and I just wanna give up on the looper ever working. Anyone know a solution for this?

  • If you go to the share tricks and tips section of the forum, there is a thread started by WS that talks about getting the looper working with the FCB. Think it's called Getting looper working with any midi device


  • Hey Metal671, take a look here , this should help. ;)

    Hey there WS, the thread I was talking about was your thread. I inputted all the CC number and values and I still didn't get the looper to work. I got my presonus audio box to work with my fcb and I was able to program my controller with that editor you showed me. Is there a certain button on my fcb i should use to enable the looper on the Kemper?

  • Try to connect the FCB directly to the Kemper and see if it works. If yes, there is a problem with the Audiobox, if no, there´s a problem with the FCB.
    What kind of chip is in your FCB? (Stock chip, Uno...)?

    Play it like you mean it.