Problem With Connecting Profiler To Windows Running Inside VirtualBox

  • I'm using Archlinux as my main operating system. I have Windows 7 running as guest inside VirtualBox. I have installed the extension packs and I'm able to select Kemper from Devices -> USB Devices -> Kemper Profiler to connect KPA to Windows running in the virtual machine. But when I do, Windows just crashes without any error messages. VirtualBox shows "aborted" as the state of the Windows virtual machine.

    I also tested this with my work laptop also running Archlinux but which has Windows 8 in virtual machine. The same thing happens there also.

    On my wife's laptop that runs Windows 7 I'm able to connect the KPA via USB and Windows starts to search for drivers (i.e. it seems to work ok).

    My setup (Archlinux + Windows 7 inside VirtualBox) has been working earlier. I think at least with firmware 2.6.x it was working. Not sure about 2.7 but definitely I have had this issue with all 3.0.x versions. It might be that the issue is due to VirtualBox being updated (because Archlinux is a rolling distribution I'm practically running the latest version of VirtualBox all the time).

    Version information:
    - Archlinux (basically latest packages)
    - VirtualBox 4.3.26
    - KPA Firmware 3.0.2

    I'm willing to help debug this problem so please ask if I can provide some more information (note that I'm a programmer so I at least should know a few things about trying to resolve issues like this).