New commercial Bass Profiles?

  • Sorry about the late reply I didn't get a notification... just seen it now.
    The bass pack will be migrated but this means we will need to make new profiles from the ground up so it will take some time. We have migrated the AV4B (Ampeg V4) and yesterday just added a new T&B Mk3 B (Selmer Treble & Bass).

    Any progress on this? I'd like to purchase them when they are ready.

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)

  • Any progress on this? I'd like to purchase them when they are ready.

    I have been doing some new ones as per production needs (see the Selmer MKIII and a forthcoming Vox), I'll get back to updating the older ones as time permits......

    EDIT: besides all OS bugs and supposed improvements turning into worse performance and ease of use (the implementation of direct profiling being one, please issue a fix asap...) we have also been requested a couple of more gems and a whole list of boutique bass pedal in combination with vintage amps, hence the slowness ......... but we'll get there..

  • No worries. I just bought 5 different bass rigs from you. They are quite good and I expect to get a lot of use out of them. I've been a bass player for 30 years and haven't encountered many of those old 60s/70s British amps. It was a nice surprise.

    I'm pretty new to the KPA. What is the issue with direct profiling? This is of interest to me since I will likely be using many of my profiles live with a bass cabinet. I'll have the speaker profiles disabled.

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)

  • No worries. I just bought 5 different bass rigs from you. They are quite good and I expect to get a lot of use out of them. I've been a bass player for 30 years and haven't encountered many of those old 60s/70s British amps. It was a nice surprise.

    I'm pretty new to the KPA. What is the issue with direct profiling? This is of interest to me since I will likely be using many of my profiles live with a bass cabinet. I'll have the speaker profiles disabled.

    Unless I am missing something Direct Profiling is auto-sensing. Unfortunately it doesn't always work as the cab switches itself off even within a recording chain with microphone, preamp, eq, dynamics, bass cab, KPA return.... Not an issue for players but surely for profilers. I will try to add a few Direct ones with the sixties Vox I am finishing right now. I have a request list with Wems, Sunns, Majors, Boogies and many others, hopefully we'll find the time .........sooner or later .... :)

  • As per Klappy's request above new profiles and updates of old ones now include Direct Amp Profiles.
    The new Bass Amp Pack 2 is available with v3 firmware profiles and four Direct Amp Profiles per amp.

    p.s. the new pack is half price (50% off until Dec 31st)

    Older profiles and packs will be updated to V3 and Direct Amps added in the near future.