Can't Get Direct Out To Work Since Update

  • Greetings! First of all I have to say that the Kemper Profiler is the greatest innovation for guitarists to come along since electricity! I've had my rack mount profiler for three months now and have used it live and for studio work with great results.
    I profiled my amps when I first bought the gear without any problems. I recently tried to profile my Vox Micro Terror and discovered that I'm not getting any signal from the direct out. In the output menu the volume is greyed out. Changing the output to any of it's setting's makes no difference; still greyed out. All volumes are currently unlinked. Linking / unlinking made no difference. I've verified that all cords are good and the amp works fine. I just did a reset of the global .ini and it didn't help.
    The only change since my last successful profile was the recent firmware update.
    If anyone has some advice to offer I'd appreciate it.