Exponeital Audio Excalibur

  • Just thought I'd share a positive experience.

    Michael Carnes well known for developing some of Lexicons algorithms has released "Excalibur" a multi effect plugin for your DAW.

    This is the most excited I've been since my KPA purchase over two years ago and a lot lighter on the wallet.

    This thing easily stands up against the high end hardware and is light on your CPU.

    Just a tip if you Demo, use the arrow key on your qwerty to navigate presets.

    Needs Ilok 2 wich may put some off.

    Don't be put off by the limited examples, their is heaps for guitarist to be excited about.

    I also predict heaps of 3rd party sound design types supplying lots more presets soon as the word gets around.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.