Kemper midi automation thread

  • Hmm. K- midi device A and B are not relevant here- that's for controlling external midi devices FROM the Kemper. Are you SURE you set Cakewalk to use Channel 14?…layback.29.html

    The Kemper midi received icon indicates when MIDI is on the port- even if it's on the wrong channel (Tested that just now, not sure if it's a bug or not)

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • Ah.

    We play to a click, and I align the slot changes to that. You're set up right - so what you need to do now is follow the cakewalk link I sent a few posts ago- you'll start your song off with CC47->the performance number, and then through the song change your slots as needed with CC50/51/52/53/54.

    Here's an example - it's Protools, but a picture is worth a thousand words.

    Down towards the bottom, you can see the click and cue tracks. Right in the middle, you can see where I've inserted Kemper patch changes - and the keyboard / orchestral tracks are towards the top. There's more out of view- including the original audio take, but that's not really relevant here.

    When I print everything (again, we play to backing tracks) I export just the Kemper track as a standalone midi track (which I can then import into my uTrack 24 or QLab. Since Cakewalk supports playlists this may not be necessary. Here's ProTools again, with just the midi track imported.

    This is how I have us set up.


    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • I thought I could program this VIA midi or am I understanding this wrong?

    Oh! I've never tried that. I always draw my automation by hand. Gives me very precise control that way. (Also, I do a lot of the automation edits outside of my studio).

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • My thing is, I'm not totally understanding that what you just explained. I program midi for our lights and i'm pretty familiar with that. Is there a way to program the kemper the same way? I'm just confused by the CC47 and how to know what patch that correlates to?

  • With CC47 - the *value* of that controller selects the patch performance.

    Above- at 1|1|000, you see I'm sending CC#47 with a value of 43. This selects my performance for that song (#43).

    Then at 1|1|020 I send CC#50 with a value of 127. This selects slot# 1 for performance #43.
    A while later at 28|4|742, I select Slot #2 ( CC51)

    and then back to Slot 1 at 37|1|083).

    Then one last switch to Slot #2 ( CC#51 again )

    That's what you see happening here with the multilane envelope view in PT.

    I know it might be a bit weird / challenging translating that to Sonar - I don't have a working version of that here otherwise I'd show you with that.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • Weird- that's a new one for me. MIDI is such a lightweight protocol. The audio tracks actually stutter?

    Not sure I can help with that - do you have midi in and out both plugged in? Unplug the out if so- could be a feedback loop or something.

    TBH, I'm guessing a bit.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • The Kemper switches almost instantaneously. The Kemper's display DOES NOT.
    Trust your ears, not your eyes. The patch will take effect before the display updates.

    Freaked me out first time I 'saw' that - but in practice it's close-enough-to-instant (if not actually instant, I've not bothered to check that).

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.