Rigbusters: New Orange Custom Shop 50 Out Now

  • Great work Fero. I downloaded all of the free samples and gave them a playthrough. These profiles sound unique in comparison to most of the profiles out there - few people have sought to provide such a diverse group of tones. They all have that stompbox vibe (well maybe not the Uberschall so much...but it's supposed to sound like a tube amp). The quality level is outstanding. These are up there with the best of the best.

    My only problem is that I don't want that many profiles. Yeah, it's good to have options, but I don't even have time to keep up with the free rigs/rig exchange profiles. Rather than have 100 profiles of one pedal for $25, I'd rather have 5 for $5. Or 3 profiles of 8 pedals as a bundle for $50, similar to how Michael Britt does his bundles - then you could divide them into two bundles. I dunno. Ultimately, I'm a very cheap person, and I'll probably just stick to the free ones. While I really, really enjoyed playing through the profiles, stomps don't make me salivate as much as amp tones; so I was never like "ooooo, I NEEEEED these".

    Anyways, you did a really, really good job on these, and thanks for sharing the freebies.

  • Just been looking over the site again, and really liking the 'coming soon' new pedals on the front-page. Any Skreddy Pedals in the offing?
    What would you say is the smoothest sounding pedal for a 'Paul with PAF's - Xotic BB Preamp?



  • Hello Tonerider, the next one coming out will be the Paul Cochraine's Timmy but in the future we will surely profile some Skreddy pedal.

    About the smoothest sounding pedal, in my personal opinion you can try the free rigs of: Xotic BB preamp, Suhr Shiba Drive and Prince of Tone.

    Waiting for your feedback...


  • Here's a clip showing off the Cornish ss3!

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    This profile alone was worth the purchase! Lot's of dynamics just with your pick attack.


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    Here's another profile from the pack. A little thicker sounding.

    Edited once, last by JerEvil (March 12, 2015 at 5:36 PM).

  • Tried out the free ones. Like the J&J, MXR MOD, OD11 and SS3. Got the J&J pack to try.

    Two things about the checkout process. It ask for a province which goes away if you pick the country "USA" which doesn't have provinces, but you have to leave that unanswered THEN it creates a "state" field. This is awkward, but I understand with being international. Anyone used to doing this will figure it out.

    The other thing is it asks for a tax code, etc, or SSN. It is NOT cool to ask for someone's SSN ever in the USA unless it's for a medical procedure or trying to get a loan. Identity theft is the fear, so for a PRIVATE sale from the USA I'd not make this field unconditional. I just entered 111-11-1111 so if that's your SS, sorry, lol.

    As to the pack. It's similar in concept to Andy's thing with the Custom Shop. Lots of variety on differing mics. More variety here because of some effect additions (leads with delays, wah, etc) Unlike the Custom shop, this is of course pedals though the same amp/cab pair.
    This would lead one to think there is a "sameness" to all the profiles. But I'm not hearing that with the free profiles differing character. I wouldn't let the same Amp/Cab pair bother you if you're bent is the pedals character. There is a uniqueness to the variety of pedals that is inherent, as well as through the many mics. Amazing the variety from all the variables.

    All in all, considering this way of doing things, I think they excel for the engineer who needs/wants a huge variety of nuance. For the plug-n-play lover in me, I am either for the well groomed pack by a good profiler who had a few sweet spots each for a dozen amps, or per amp with 7-12 profiles for a lower price.

    That preference said, Fero is a top notch profiler. The 4 free profiles I mentioned hold their own in the Favorites folder and the variety of the J&J pack show that this profiling ability is not a fluke.

    Well done, Fero! You may yet chisel your face onto the pantheon of great profilers! ;)

  • Quote

    As to the pack. It's similar in concept to Andy's thing with the Custom Shop. Lots of variety on differing mics. More variety here because of some effect additions (leads with delays, wah, etc) Unlike the Custom shop, this is of course pedals though the same amp/cab pair.
    This would lead one to think there is a "sameness" to all the profiles. But I'm not hearing that with the free profiles differing character. I wouldn't let the same Amp/Cab pair bother you if you're bent is the pedals character. There is a uniqueness to the variety of pedals that is inherent, as well as through the many mics. Amazing the variety from all the variables.

    This leads to some interesting questions. Are these 3.0-compatible merged profiles, or are they "old-school" studio profiles? Are there any D.I. variations at all?

    My main application for these would be playing them live, so I'd be most interested in DI variations. Inevitably there will be a lot of variations to account for knob settings on themselves, which in most cases won't translate accurately to any controls available in KPA. So for my purposes, it would be better not to further complicate things with mic selection etc. I'd prefer to buy a "Naked Pack" with DI profiles of just the OD pedal (at various settings) + amp head (clean, maybe one medium gain) to which I could add my own cab profiles or real cabinet.