Profiling Fuzz Pedal?

  • just wondering if something like this is in the works; I don't see why you shouldn't be able to hook up a stomp box to Kemper and profile it and save it in the effects section... Surely this is in the future for the KPA, right? Or maybe that's gonna be a whole new unit all together?

    just a thought.

  • I think someone from Kemper said, perhaps a year or two ago, that profiling effect pedals was something they were looking at for the future. But we haven't heard anything since, so who knows.

    I know CK doesn't want the KPA to get too complicated, but some sort of "build your own pedal" stomp would be pretty cool - three or four pages of settings to tweak, etc. Alternatively, a PC app that lets you design it, save it to the KPA, and then you just have the usual Drive/Tone/Volume to worry about.

  • Maybe one day, you can buy Kemper controlled Servo-Motors, put them on the knobs of your amp / stomp and let Kemper not only profile one snapshot, but the whole thing by driving automatically to different combinations of knob-settings ;)