Any KPA Owners Using The Eventide H9? Looking for connection tips..

  • Just received my Eventide H9Max from Sweetwater today. Looking for suggestions on the best way to connect it. I run my KPA in stereo to a ADA poweramp and stereo guitar cab, via the main XLR outs.

    My plan is to go:

    KPA Direct Out/Send > H9 (L) Input
    H9 L&R Outs > KPA Return and Alternative Input
    Stereo Loop module in "Mod" slot.

    My questions:

    Do I need to make any changes in the "Master Out section for the direct out?
    Do I need to enable the "Killjoy" feature in the H9, to remove the dry signal?

    My confusion:

    Is it better to set the KPA Loop Mix to 100% then adjust the mix from the H9?

    Or is it better to set the H9 to 100% and adjust the mix from the KPA Loop mix setting?

    Also, I read a thread on the forum that mentioned using the monitor out and the direct out as stereo sends to effects that have stereo inputs (like the H9) and changing each to send Mod L and Mod R in the Master Out section. Does this work? Any advantage over the using the Direct out only, as most loop threads suggest.

    Edited 3 times, last by davec69 (February 28, 2015 at 2:42 AM).

  • i use the 4 cable method.(google it) .i use the kemper loop (2 cables) and then i go from my guitar to the H9 to the Kemper..this way when you use any of the distortion setting you can set them to pre instead of post. i run the all delays and modulaltions in post of H9 which route it to the loop in the Kemper...the distortion presets are way noisy for me to use in the loop of the Kemper. (the x slot). best pedal i have ever bought.

  • My questions:

    Do I need to make any changes in the "Master Out section for the direct out?
    Do I need to enable the "Killjoy" feature in the H9, to remove the dry signal?

    My confusion:

    Is it better to set the KPA Loop Mix to 100% then adjust the mix from the H9?

    Or is it better to set the H9 to 100% and adjust the mix from the KPA Loop mix setting?

    I use one (H9) wired up as in your OP.
    No settings altered on Kemper or H9 other than:
    I adjust the mix on he H9

    Works fine IMHO

    Nice bit of kit!

  • i use the 4 cable method.(google it) .i use the kemper loop (2 cables) and then i go from my guitar to the H9 to the Kemper..this way when you use any of the distortion setting you can set them to pre instead of post. i run the all delays and modulaltions in post of H9 which route it to the loop in the Kemper...the distortion presets are way noisy for me to use in the loop of the Kemper. (the x slot). best pedal i have ever bought.

    Maybe I just don't understand how it works yet, but why would you run it this way? Don't you lose the stereo ability of the H9 running it like this, since only 1 of you outputs is being routed to the Kemper loop? If you set it up only in the loop, but in stereo, can't you just create a new rig and add a mono loop "stomp" before the amp section of the Kemper for your distortions? Then you would get the distortions where you want them, plus you would be able to run all your other effects in stereo. Have you tried this?

  • I must have not made my self clear enough, sorry for that, follow what Digbob said. it doesn't matter to me if i hit the Kemper internally or at the guitar input which i prefer...on your H9 you will have the opportunity to run your effects this way pre or post..for me the sculpt and crush station are always Pre and all the other modulations and delays are run post mode the distortions were too noisy on my Kemper...The H9 sounds so good with my toaster a perfect pair. the 4 cable method works the best for me

  • Just curious what types of presets do you use modulations, delays, reverbs? The thing I am struggling to understand is, how would I use the H9's reverbs but use the kemper's delays? Can I put a stereo loop in the Kemper reverb slot? Or do I need to put delay in X or MOD slot and the H9 loop in the Delay slot?