Are you using a guitar cab w/ the Kemper? Tell me about it.

  • So I did a shootout this weekend between a few Celestion speakers, each mounted in a 1x12 open back cab. Main thing was to find the most "uncolored" speaker that worked best with the most profiles. In order of preference:

    Celestion G12K-100: neutral midrange and extended lows....this added the least tone footprint to the profiles, and IMO was the winner.
    Celestion G12 Classic Lead: also neutral mids, but not as extended in the low end....still a solid speaker with little color. A closed back or ported cab would probably suit it better in the low end. Still a solid, neutral sound.
    Celestion G12H30-55: More colored in the mids, solid lows. To colored IMO...added it's own signature to all profiles.
    Celestion G12H30-75: More colored in the mids/low mids, but a little smoother than the 55...again, added a tone signature to all profiles.
    Celestion G12 Vintage 30: most mid forward with modest low end. Way to colored for a lot of profiles....really added it's own signature.

  • I use a mesa 2x12 vertical cab, fed by monitor out cab off into a matrix gt1000. Main out to a Laney cxp 1-15 active monitor.

    Only gripe i have is the laser beam sound from the cab, but aiming to do a Jay Mitchell mod.

    Edited once, last by Xander (March 30, 2015 at 10:43 PM).