IEM Routing through FOH for Good Sounding Guitar

  • I am finally going to purchase some IEM's and wanted to ask how the best way to connect them so I can hear what I want to hear from them plus getting a good sound through them. Like my headphones in order for them to sound great I have to adjust the Space parameter. I know that can be linked to the mail outs but just wanted to see how everyone else using them routes it. I just want to makes sure that my guitar does not sound fuzzy through them. BTW the IEM's that I am purchasing are 1964's V6 which are made for vocals and guitar with 6 drivers. Thank You!!

  • I am finally going to purchase some IEM's and wanted to ask how the best way to connect them so I can hear what I want to hear from them plus getting a good sound through them. Like my headphones in order for them to sound great I have to adjust the Space parameter. I know that can be linked to the mail outs but just wanted to see how everyone else using them routes it. I just want to makes sure that my guitar does not sound fuzzy through them. BTW the IEM's that I am purchasing are 1964's V6 which are made for vocals and guitar with 6 drivers. Thank You!!

    The IEMs you are purchasing are exactly the same as the ones I use. I can promise you wont be disappointed with the sound and quality. How I run mine are going from the main outs to the desk (QU-16) this feeds my monitor mix while the monitor out of the KPA which goes to the desk feeds FOH. I set my space effect to 6 on the Kemper The reason why I don't have the main outs going FOH is because I don't what the space effect on the front of house only on IEM's The Kemper will sound great through these IEM's I have a perfect sound and mix of the whole band and I would never go back to not using them. Hope this has helped :)

  • Thanks for the response Raoul. So just to make sure I am clear on this, run the monitor out to FOH so not to color FOH sound with space effect.

    KPA Monitor Out>FOH Channel for FOH sound Got that.

    Then not sure exactly where you are going from KPA Out. You have a personal mixer then to FOH? How do you exactly hook up out of the KPA to the input on the IEM receiver. Please clarify. This is why I am lost. I know someone who uses an Axe Efx has his own personal mixer he routes everything through including his IEM's.


  • Ok my band has a QU-16 all instruments are connected to this which supplies the FOH and our monitor mixes eg IEM's The monitor out is connected to QU-16 but only comes out the FOH its not turned up on our monitor mixes. The main outs are connected to the QU-16 also but these are not turned up for FOH just monitor mixes. We all run sennheiser EW wireless systems so from the monitor outs on the QU-16 these go to there respective wireless system. Hope this has made more sense. The only downside to this is that guitar FOH is mono and not stereo. I think you could make it stereo by connecting the direct out and having that set to master right and your monitor out set to master left

  • Thanks Raoul, that is exactly what I needed to know. Like I said I know some that carry a 4 or 6 channel mixer Axe Efx and monitor is run through that. They like because they have control over all the volume for the IEM. Your way makes sense can have the ability to use the Space parameter without coloring the FOH sound. Thank you so much.