Anyone have an Atomic CLR and a Bose rig?

  • I just sold my Bose L1 Model II with the B2 bass module and tone match. I loved it with my voicelive 3 running through it and an acoustic guitar. I thought running the Kemper into it was okay but felt it was missing something so I went ahead and purchased two CLR Neo wedges. The difference is nothing short of amazing in my opinion. My set up is now the Kemper into an Allen & Heath Qu 16 into the two CLR Neo wedges. I also run my Voicelive 3 into the Qu 16 and out through the CLRs. Now I can run an acoustic or electric guitar and all I need to switch is the profile on the Kemper, and the guitar. Even though I loved the Bose, I'm glad it went to a good home and I could not be happier with the CLRs.

  • I just sold my Bose L1 Model II with the B2 bass module and tone match. I loved it with my voicelive 3 running through it and an acoustic guitar. I thought running the Kemper into it was okay but felt it was missing something so I went ahead and purchased two CLR Neo wedges. The difference is nothing short of amazing in my opinion. My set up is now the Kemper into an Allen & Heath Qu 16 into the two CLR Neo wedges. I also run my Voicelive 3 into the Qu 16 and out through the CLRs. Now I can run an acoustic or electric guitar and all I need to switch is the profile on the Kemper, and the guitar. Even though I loved the Bose, I'm glad it went to a good home and I could not be happier with the CLRs.

    I have read - and never personally confirmed - that the A/D/A conversion on the Tone Match Engine was so poor that it actually sounded WAY better just going into the L1s analogue input using any small mixer.

  • I have the bose rigs, and the T1 sounds better than anything I have ever plugged in direct. I also tried plugging the Kemper in direct. It sounded good, but you get the analog hiss on that input that is not there with the T1. I use the T1 and bypass the input Tonematch settings. That sounds the best, better than the 'flat' preset my ears anyway.

    MikeClemens: Thanks - You answered what I was wondering about. I guess I can buy a CLR and see if I like it enough to do the same. Setup is going to be about the same, by the time I put the CLR's on speaker stands. I am use to the Bose being behind me and not needing any sort of monitoring. That would change if the CLRs were to be FOH mains. Isuppose I could try the CLR as more of a backline, and send it through my Bose too for more throw. Did you experiment with that?

  • Well, I just order one Atomic CLR NEO! I will share my thoughts once it arrives.

    NightLight - My thinking in getting a CLR is based kind of on the idea that this is what it is designed for. Of course, at the end of the day, I just wanted to try one. If i dont see a cost-benefit, one of you guys will probably be happy to take it off my hands for a discount. lol

    A little more on my thinking behind pulling the trigger on purchasing the CLR...
    I bought good studio monitors for mixing, because they are designed for that purpose. I could have used HiFi Speakers and just EQ'd them, right? But, that would not be their intended purpose. I might have good results doing that, but that is sort of like using a pliers to take off a bolt. It will probably work, but i am likely going to mess up the bolt head in the process. Just like buying BIAS Workstation, and profiling a custom acoustic guitar amp sound i created in my DAW, into my Kemper. It isnt an either or, it is Kemper and BIAS. Using the tools I have together to create the best sound to my ears.

    The DXR, CLR, Line 6 array are all tools for the intended purpose. I think you have to choose the one that sounds best for what you are trying to do. Price doesnt always mean the most expensive is 'better'. Better is mostly subjective.

    The $200 BAIS pluggin, let me create a tone i like for my Acoustic, that i probably couldnt have created on a real amp, at least not one that i have access to use. The Kemper is going to let me use that tone live. The CLR is going to let me hear it consistently the way I created it to sound on my studio monitors.

    One could argue...I could have connected my BOSE to my DAW, created the tone I wanted coming out of the BOSE rig, saved it to the Kemper, and produced a repeatable solution. But, it probably wouldnt be how I want it to sound if I used that same tone as a pluggin for studio tracking.

    My studio room treatments are going to color the sound of the BOSE. My studio monitors are tuned to the room. The same idea as mixing an album applies. I want a balanced FRFR environment. I can surgically EQ my Kemper, live, or let a FOH guy do that at a venue. But, my starting point will always be consistent.

    Anyway - that was a long ramble to make a simple point. I think one needs to get the gear for the job you are trying to accomplish. We are all trying to do that, we all play differently, and probably not in the same environments. One size wont fit everyone.

    Finally, what's good or best, is subjective. I say, buy the best gear you can afford, that sounds good to your ears and gives you sonic pleasure, and then just go make some really good music...with confidence!

  • I look forward to your results. I have been really toying with the idea of getting an L1 compact, or maybe even a pair and running them with my Kemper. Easier access to them is the main reason: having a CLR shipped out to me at great cost and paying customs, worrying about warranties is not something I'd like to do.

    In that sense, where do you feel the Bose system is lacking? Is it not flat? Does it colour the sound? Does it distort at higher levels? I'm really looking for good inputs on how it compares to the CLRs.

  • WOW! CLR shipped a few hours after I ordered it. Sweet! It will be in my hands by tuesday. I am excited to hear it.

    I am not sure that the Bose is lacking at all. I just never heard a CLR, and so i decided to get one and find out. I will give you my objective thoughts once I have a chance to try them all side by side. I am hoping that 1+1=3. That I will use them together and love it. Again, my goal is for a rich huge acoustic tone. Loud volume and distortion are not really something I have to tackle. But, I will see what I can do to compare them with my electric guitars as well.

  • Okay...I got my CLR NEO. First impressions...super light! Looks nice! Easy to handle.
    Sound is what I did.

    I loaded up the Gundy Gilmourish factory rig with my Kemper in Mono Mode. I left all the output eq settings at the defualt flat position, so in other words, i made no changes to the preset. I hooked up My Bose Compact in the smallest configuration...meaning not tower at all, just the center speaker in the base cabinet.

    I set the Atomic CLR Neo in BL mode with the switch on the back. I set them next to each other, about 3 ft apart and plugged them into the TRS outputs on the kemper.

    To my ears, the Atomic CLR Neo was much cleaner and flat response, it sounded brighter on the top end. The bose had a hyped and mushy sound on the low end, and not as clear on the upper freq range.

    Based just on this little comparison, the Atomic CLR Neo was far better sounding to my ears, in my studio. I didnt compare to my Bose L1 Model II yet, because that is not how I want to use the Kemper. The test was for first impression: Do I want to take my Bose Compact or Atomic CLR Neo? CLR for sure! Could I EQ the main output to sweeten up the Bose, sure. But the test was just vanilla...straight up...side by side.

    I will probably order another, maybe two more. I would consider doing what MikeClemens did and use two for the mains FOH, and just add one as a floor wedge for my monitor mix when not using in ears. Alternatively, i might use my Bose Compact as a monitor just to make use of the gear I already have.

    At the end of the day, i think the Bose Compact, with a bit of EQ is a viable option. Since I now have both, the Atomic CLR Neo is my preferred choice, based on first impression. But, that impression was strong enough that I dont see anything making me change my opinion for my playing style.

  • I had a few additional thoughts:
    Some of what could be a contributing factor is the freq response and the dispersion - mixed in with the room i tested them in.
    That could explain the perception of mushy bass and dull top of the Bose. The room could also be playing in on that. So, I just want to say again that I liked what I heard on the Atomic over the Bose that specific setting. A better test would probably be in a larger space, where I could crank them up and see what I think of it then.

    The Bose L1 Compact is 65 Hz - 14 kHz +/- 3.0 dB Dispersion=180° H x 40° V
    The Atomic CLR Neo is 70Hz-18kHz, +/- 2.5 dB Dispersion=90 degrees H x 90 degrees V, average from 650Hz and up

    Another thing I like about the CLR is switchable 120-Hz highpass filter for use with a subwoofer or for removal of unwanted low frequencies. This will be very useful if I decide to use a pair for FOH PA speakers. I can add a Sub. It would be nice if it were variable. I like to crossover about 90-100Hz if using a subwoofer.

    Is anyone here using a Sub with the CLR? Perhaps I should start a new thread with that question.
    In theory, I could use my Bose B1 sub(s) with a CLR pair as FOH by just adding in the Bose Packlite amp to my setup. I could get around the crossover point by simply using a crossover I already have. I use to do that with my big Mackie rig...hmmm

  • I've used and recommended the Bose, both the original L1s and the newer version. For dispersion and evenness of sound, they can't be beat (in the right venue, and as a combined FOH/monitoring solution).

    But the old saying: "no highs, no lows, it must be Bose" is still true to some extent. The bass module only helps marginally....and I've tried the newer B2 also.

  • I was pleasantly surprised by a mistake I make in my comparison. The CLR came with the SUB switch set to ON. Whoops! As soon as I flipped it off, the low ended became much richer on the CLR, but still not muddy like I felt the Bose Compact tended to sound. I still believe that they both sound plenty good enough.

    One of the things I have not liked about using the BOSE L1 Model II in some venues, is that I tend to get stuck playing from a corner. When I put the bose behind me (by design) so I have monitoring and FOH through it, it tends to make the 180 degree dispersion become a liability due to reflections off side walls.

  • I was pleasantly surprised by a mistake I make in my comparison. The CLR came with the SUB switch set to ON. Whoops! As soon as I flipped it off, the low ended became much richer on the CLR, but still not muddy like I felt the Bose Compact tended to sound. I still believe that they both sound plenty good enough.

    One of the things I have not liked about using the BOSE L1 Model II in some venues, is that I tend to get stuck playing from a corner. When I put the bose behind me (by design) so I have monitoring and FOH through it, it tends to make the 180 degree dispersion become a liability due to reflections off side walls.

    This is great, but I have a request: video in an open area A/Bing between the Bose and CLR if possible! Please! Pretty please?

    There's a real dearth of this kind of useful real world testing on the net. You could even make it in-depth: indoors, outdoors, an in-between setting. I like your point about the Bose probably not being well-suited for a closed space. It would be even better to see your gear in action, so please do try to humour us! ^^