Kemper KPA vs. Axe-FX II (Yes, another one...please read!)

  • Again @mbrown3 ... You stated it before...when I said you made a decision you recanted and said you didn't. You are going back and forth, your reasoning is inconclusive to the statements you made before hand ... And no, if you come back with " I don't see what your point is" etc like you have done all the time to us here trying to explain the KPA to you, I won't walk you through your reasoning again. Do your own reading. It's like talking to a wall.

    it seems to me that you still haven't understood the KPA or Axe...

    Anyways, it's funny that you started out this thread by saying the KPA is in the lead but all your reasoning and arguments point to the keep contradicting yourself nonstop.

    Tbh, I don't care if you go with the KPA or Axe. Both devises are great but to waste everyone's
    time here in engaging pointless discussions that lead nowhere is quite maddening. Everyone here has tried to help you in truly exhausting ways but you just come bank with the same things. Good luck with whatever it is you are looking for....

  • Again @mbrown3 ... You stated it before...when I said you made a decision you recanted and said you didn't. You are going back and forth, your reasoning is inconclusive to the statements you made before hand ... And no, if you come back with " I don't see what your point is" etc like you have done all the time to us here trying to explain the KPA to you, I won't walk you through your reasoning again. Do your own reading. It's like talking to a wall.

    When did I say I made a decision, then said I didn't? I think I was pretty clear: if the AX8 is available soon, I'll wait for that. Otherwise I'll go with Axe-Fx II. Did I flip flop from that? I think it's you that seems to be having trouble reading.

    it seems to me that you still haven't understood the KPA or Axe...

    Perhaps you're right. I'm not sure what it is that I don't understand about them. I'm sure you hold all of the enlightened knowledge. :/

    Anyways, it's funny that you started out this thread by saying the KPA is in the lead but all your reasoning and arguments point to the keep contradicting yourself nonstop.

    I'm not sure you understand what "contradicting" means. When I started, I was leaning toward the KPA, which I was. Once I tested the devices out, the effects are what led me to the Axe-Fx. If you see that as a contradiction, so be it.

    Tbh, I don't care if you go with the KPA or Axe. Both devises are great but to waste everyone's
    time here in engaging pointless discussions that lead nowhere is quite maddening. Everyone here has tried to help you in truly exhausting ways but you just come bank with the same things. Good luck with whatever it is you are looking for....

    If you think it's a waste of time, why have you spent so much time posting here? You are, and have been, free to ignore the thread. For me it most certainly has not been a waste of time. The folks that took it seriously were very helpful.

  • A little food for thoght: It's entirely possible that by the time the AX8 is shipping, Kemper will have updated it's time based effects and the placement possibilities (i.e. pre or post amp).

    IIRC, Fractal had to update their delays to get them to their currrent quality...and went through 4 hardware revisions along the way, too.

    Patience *might* prove useful at this point.

    But, good luck with whatever you choose in any event.

  • Quote-
    I never disputed those things. But reading them and experiencing them are two different things. Forgive me for not taking the word of random people on the interwebz. I should have known that all info you find on the interwebz is completely accurate and no one should bother to find out for themselves.

    Dont believe the people on the inter-webs?
    Then why in the hell would you start this thread asking for help from people on the inter-webs?
    You ARE quite contradictory.

  • mbrown3. This is ridiculous....

    i tried to help you...everyone here too...and you are being totally ignorant. And the funny thing is everyone here has called you out on it.

    read your own posts and reasoning. You said you go with the Axe then now it's the KPA with the FA floorboard.

    Dude, please get whatever tut want but leave us out of it...

    just enjoy joy playing your guitar

    i wonder if you do this extensive research also when you are at a restaurant ordering food.... ;)

    habe be a nice day

  • Dont believe the people on the inter-webs?
    Then why in the hell would you start this thread asking for help from people on the inter-webs?
    You ARE quite contradictory.

    Just because I don't automatically take everything on the internet at face value, I still find it helpful to gather opinions from users. Then I can compare and contrast their perspectives with my own when I finally am able to get first-hand experience...which is exactly what I did. FWIW, Consumer Reports has made an entire business out of this; gathering and publishing opinions about various products so that users can get a more informed understanding of the products they may buy. None of those opinions is definitive; first-hand experience is still necessary/valuable. Both are valuable, and provide a viewpoint that neither on their own can produce.

  • mbrown3. This is ridiculous....

    i tried to help you...everyone here too...and you are being totally ignorant. And the funny thing is everyone here has called you out on it.

    How am I being ignorant?

    read your own posts and reasoning. You said you go with the Axe then now it's the KPA with the FA floorboard.

    I'm not sure what you're reading. When did I ever say I'm going with the KPA and floorboard? Of course you think I'm contradicting myself if you're reading things I never actually said.

    Dude, please get whatever tut want but leave us out of it...

    Fair enough. Again, you have had the freedom to ignore this thread all along. I'm not sure why you felt the need to come in and accuse me of being a shill, contradicting myself, etc. If you don't think my posts are legit, don't bother responding to them. There are many people here that have taken them seriously and have provided valuable insight. I just don't get the point of your constant bickering. Is that useful, for any purpose?

    i wonder if you do this extensive research also when you are at a restaurant ordering food.... ;)

    Yeah, because buying a $5 hamburger is the same as buying a $2,000+ guitar amplifier. :/

  • There is one point you didn't mention where the Kemper is a clear winner: choice of amps.
    I like the fact that we do not need to wait until the manufacturer decides to model an amp, I like to have access to numerous rare and vintage amps, and I like the fact that I'm sure the profile sounds exactly like the original, immediately.
    These reasons made me chose the Kemper over the Axe.

  • You seem to not understand facts or points...

    Btw, I am not bickering. I have given you a extensive facts and knowledge about the profile. But every time I explained something to you, you took it completely apart and out of context. That's what I mean by "talking to a wall".

    anyways ways, if you can't understand or appreciate my insight or as a matter of fact others here (who seem to have more patience )
    Thsn I can't help you...and no one can may have noticed how some members here grew weary of your back and forth

    what at I meant was will you be taking this long and making things this complicated when ordering food? are juju this complicated in everyday life too?

    smh... are just too funny. Can't help myself but laugh about it.

  • mbrown3 I respect and applaud your desire to research a major investment that will be a key device in your music making.

    Lets face it. The internet attracts all types of folks. Many are helpful intelligent kind successful folks. You can tell that from the way they respond to your thread. Then there are the mean bored frustrated insecure immature hostile types. Again, their posts are immediately identifiable. Its a shame that in order to get access to the former types you must make yourself vulnerable to the latter types. Unfortunately blocking is not a recourse at the Kemper site.

    I just wanted to validate your experience and wish you success in your future choice, whatever it may be. ; )

  • You seem to not understand facts or points...

    You keep saying things like this, yet you haven't identified examples of your assertions. What facts do I not seem to understand? I think you're confusing "that point isn't important to me" with "I don't understand that point."

    Btw, I am not bickering. I have given you a extensive facts and knowledge about the profile. But every time I explained something to you, you took it completely apart and out of context. That's what I mean by "talking to a wall".

    You continue to make assertions like this but have not provided examples. It's hard to know to what you are referring, and thus to gauge the accuracy of said assertions.

    anyways ways, if you can't understand or appreciate my insight or as a matter of fact others here (who seem to have more patience )
    Thsn I can't help you...and no one can may have noticed how some members here grew weary of your back and forth

    Again, not to beat a dead horse...but what insight do you think I don't understand or appreciate? Again you seem to be confusing, "That factor is not important for my needs" with "I don't understand/appreciate that factor."

    what at I meant was will you be taking this long and making things this complicated when ordering food? are juju this complicated in everyday life too?

    No, I don't take days to order food in a restaurant. If I buy something and don't like it, it's only $5 lost. But you're darn right I'm going to research opinions and gather as much information about a purchase like this...not just because of the expense, but because I care about my guitar gear. I don't care that much about a hamburger.

  • Very true @lasvideo

    no one here is treating him badly, but I'd like to get to the point of all this back and forth.

    everything that has been stated here has been restated over and over again with little effect. That's probably the main issue here...besides him calling me a problem in one of his posts I never engaged into anything negative. I just don't know anymore what to tell @mbrown3 anymore. And I am sure everyone else posting here feels the same.

  • I just wanted to validate your experience and wish you success in your future choice, whatever it may be. ; )

    Thank you. Prepare to be flamed. I don't understand the hostility. I set out to gather information so that I could make an informed choice. In that, this was successful. But some people can't handle when you don't think/choose the same way they do...even to the point that they say there was "no love" for their preferred device, despite the fact that you almost universally praised it and identified it as a fantastic device that had one area that didn't live up to the competition. It's bizarre, but the nature of the internet, I guess.

  • no one here is treating him badly, but I'd like to get to the point of all this back and forth.

    This is part of the problem. If you don't understand the point of the "back and forth" (as you call it), then why bother engaging in it? I've stated the point: to gather information and opinions to help me make an informed decision. That has been very successful.

    everything that has been stated here has been restated over and over again with little effect. That's probably the main issue here...besides him calling me a problem in one of his posts I never engaged into anything negative. I just don't know anymore what to tell @mbrown3 anymore. And I am sure everyone else posting here feels the same.

    I didn't ask you to tell me anything. I got plenty of opinions. If you don't want to give yours, then don't. I'm not sure why you feel so exasperated trying to answer a question that (in your words) has already been answered. Why bother?

  • @mbrown3 I said it before...everything is in the thread...I am not restating everything I wrote. This isn't a research paper with footnotes.

    I am tired of this. Have a nice life

    And yet, you continue to make accusations/assertions but without providing any examples. Do you see why that's a problem? I've read through the entire thread multiple times. I don't see any instances where I contradicted myself, and some of the things you claimed I contradicted are things that I simply never said. You are the one making the accusations, so the burden of proof is on you to show how/why you are right about them. It may not be a research paper, but if you're going to make accusations, you have to show why you feel that way.