Reformatting USB Stick Kemper intro Mac exit PC

  • Without correct or professional help from Kemper staff, I successfully re-formatted my USB Stick in the following steps:

    1. Backup what’s on the USB stick related to the Profiler.

    2 Trash all the files & folders currently on the USB stick.

    3. Connect Kemper to computer.

    4. Plug the empty USB stick into Kemper and turn Kemper on to “Perform” mode.

    5. Open Rig Manager Application on your computer. Wait till all is connected.

    6. Push the button right above the words: “External Storage” on the Kemper hardware.

    7. Then push the button right above the words: “Format Device.” Wait for it to state that it has formatted the stick or something to that effect. Then you should be able to properly update the Kemper from the PC version to the Mac version.

    8. Before switching to the Mac version, select and export all your favorite rigs to the desktop.

    9. After installing the Mac version, move your favorite rigs to: Go > (hold down the Option key) Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager. I created an organized file structure in mine.

    The reason I found myself having to re-format the stick was because I followed the direction on "How to update Kemper Profiler firmware PDF:"

    ("Please perform the following simple steps to update your Kemper Profiler to a more recent firmware:

    You will need to use an empty USB-stick in order to transfer the files from your Mac or PC to the
    Kemper Profiler. When you connect a USB-stick for the first time, the Kemper Profiler will format it to
    ensure maximum reliability.")

    The Kemper did not format the USB stick.

    According to Kemper Staff, this is not the directions to follow, and left me with no explanation on how to re-format the empty stick as I requested. Fortunately my tinkering paid off for this solution.

    Edited once, last by musaicsong (February 9, 2015 at 5:50 PM).

  • I'm not sure what this is about, are you talking about changing from the PC to the Mac version of Rig Manager ? As far as I am aware the USB is FAT32 no matter what platform you use, and the Kemper doesn't change.
    I stand to be corrected.

  • <p>Yes, PC to Mac</p>

    <p>I also discovered that Rig Manager does not see your rigs you moved to the library as instructed in step 9.</p>

    <p>You have to create your folder structure in the Rig Manager and drag & drop your PC rigs onto the Mac Rig window of the selected folder. Not to difficult.</p>

    <p>Thanks db9091</p>