Have amps, will profile the BE100: Lets make some profiles...

  • Hi All,

    I'm sorry for filling this section of the forum up with my project, hopefully this will be that last thread in this series.

    This project is about the community profiling an amp together, we select an amp, speaker/cab, mics and start trying different things to get the best profile that we can.

    In the first thread we voted on an amp to profile, the BE100 won.http://Have amps, will profile: Choose an amp.
    In the second thread we voted on a speaker and cab combination, the Carvin Legacy with stock Vintage 30's won:http://Have amps, will profile: Choose an amp.
    In the third and fourth threads we voted on single or dual mics, dual mics won and the mics selected were the SM57 and AT4040.

    I didn't have a lot of time but I made four quick profiles just as a baseline, you can test these profiles and then make your request or just make your request based on your experience and knowledge, whatever works for you. I just wanted to provide a baseline for those that wanted something to start with.

    Here's what I did...

    Friedman BE100.
    Carvin Legacy 412 with stock Vintage 30's.
    Dual mics consisting of the SM57 and AT4040.

    The SM57 was 2" from the front of the speaker frame, 1/2 inch from the edge of the dome, angle = 20deg towards the center of the speaker, level = 0dB.
    The AT4040 was 2" from the front of the speaker frame, 1" from the edge of the dome, angle = 0deg, level = -5dB, Treble = -5 (on the mixer).
    Both mic's were ran into an Allen Heath Mix Wizard 16:2 and then into the KPA.

    Amp settings...
    Presence = 5
    Bass = 7
    Middle = 8
    Treble = 5.5
    Master = 2
    Voice Switch = Right
    FAT = Off
    C45 = Off
    SAT = Off

    File/Rig names are HAWP-1 BE GAIN-x...
    HAWP-1 = Have Amps Will Profile, Phase-1.
    BE or HBE = the BE or HBE channel.
    GAIN-x = the gain of the channel.

    Now it's up to you, tell me what you want to try. I would ask that you keep your request to 4 profiles each to start with so that I can try to get to as many requests as possible.

    We'll probably need to go on a first come first serve basis. That being said, I'm open to comparing different speakers, cabs and mics if you want but that will take more time due to needing to set everything up so I will focus on requests based on the listed equipment first and then as time permits I'll try different equipment if you want. Either way it might take a few days before I can make some profiles but I'll try to do everyone's request as soon as I can.

    The profiles and a few photos are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bctgni8v5h4…eLsVJqxssa?dl=0

    The ball is in your court, what do you want to try :D

    EDIT: Here is a link to all of the profiling sessions (a huge thank you to meambobo for hosting the files in one easy to find location):
    And a zipped file: http://foobazaar.com/kemper/HAWP/HAWP.zip

    Edited 23 times, last by timowens (August 27, 2015 at 1:06 PM).

  • Profiles sound real good. the HBE is a very dense sounding amp, and you captured it well no doubt. Sounds exactly like my buddies that I have played extensively. This has nothing to do with how you profiled the amp,but the amp just doesn't have the midrange push I would like personally. It is super smooth, very modern, and kind of dark, and you captured it perfectly no doubt. Anyone with a les paul and into modern hard rock tones will enjoy these profiles no doubt. I added a slight bit of treble (my LP is dark) and that's it, these could work all night for a hard rock gig, or in the studio I would think. If you know what the HBE sounds like, you will be happy for sure with these. I personally like the BE gain at 4 profile for what I am into personally. Great job. Turn up the clarity knob for even more clarity in the high end. Can't wait to hear what other people think.

  • Hmmm... It's actually a bit difficult, I guess, going on from here with regards to mic placement, since there are two mics.

    But it's a good idea to dial in the amp based on the current setup :) Maybe for the next round you could profile both the mics together as well as each individual mic? Possibly after a couple of rounds of amp setting revisions, if that is what makes most sense. If we can hear each individual mic, I guess we would be better able to say "try bringing the SM57 in close" and stuff like that. Just a suggestion.

    Will check out the profiles this weekend :)

  • Hmmm... It's actually a bit difficult, I guess, going on from here with regards to mic placement, since there are two mics.

    But it's a good idea to dial in the amp based on the current setup :) Maybe for the next round you could profile both the mics together as well as each individual mic? Possibly after a couple of rounds of amp setting revisions, if that is what makes most sense. If we can hear each individual mic, I guess we would be better able to say "try bringing the SM57 in close" and stuff like that. Just a suggestion.

    Will check out the profiles this weekend :)

    What if I simply record the amp and provide the individual mic tracks, then you could listen to each mic individually and you could mix them. Then you could either provide me with mixing instructions and I can make new profiles based off that or you could ask me to move the mic's and try again. I can even record several mics at the same time to give you more options to work with, It might end up saving some time, would that work?

  • I didn't have enough time this evening to get any recordings or profiles done but I did start setting up for some multi-mic recordings. I had enough stands to setup two SM57's, one AT4040, one i5 and one e609. Hopefully by this weekend I'll get some more done :)

    [Blocked Image: http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b625/timowens316/IMG_1972_zps0e944299.jpg]

    Edited once, last by timowens (January 9, 2015 at 5:29 AM).

  • and I just tried them and holy cow. Normally I'm either full saturation or right on the edge of crunch and full. But these are really good - great dynamic response, tone. They seem dialed in - I didn't feel the need to reach for any knobs.

  • Have you ever had a bad profiling day? Well that's what just happened to me, I wasted most of the day but it was all my own stupid mistakes, things like bumping a mic or not noticing the bass control on one of the channels of the mixer was turned down, etc.

    Anyway, I did get a few profiles done to answer a few requests. The profiles can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zf7r4xownfg…3JeZ7Vos4a?dl=0

    Will you be doing any clean profiles?

    I actually didn't plan on it since this amp doesn't really have a special clean channel, but there is one included as requested. If you want some different tone settings or mic mixes please let me know.

    Good stuff!

    I like the BE Gain4 best, I think. But I think it would be interesting to try the HBE with a smidge less gain (HBE Gain3?) so see how they compare

    That is an interesting question. Normally when I profile an amp I make profiles at all gain settings in increments of 1, but for these tests I've only made a few to save some time. But I went ahead and made a profile with the BE-4, HBE-3 and HBE-2. Does this answer your question?

    now I don't know if you're tweak mic positions yet, but I would try either backing the AT4040 a good distance back (half a foot to a foot, maybe?) to soften the transients just a bit and get more of the whole cab in there

    I have tried this in the past and I didn't have the patients to get the mics in phase with each other. But I went ahead and made a few profiles this time without paying any attention to the phase so they will certainly be some with phase issues. Anyway, the BE-4 is with both mics at 2 inches, then there are more profiles with the AT at 6, 7, 8. 9. 10, 11 and 12 inches as noted in the profile name.

    A few of you have commented that you need to turn up the treble a little, today I thought I would try to brighten up the profiles by moving the mics but I didn't have any luck and I ran out of time. Next time I will try the tone settings on the amp and see how that turns out. In the Dropbox folder there is a text document which gives all of the settings, if you would like me to try any certain tone settings on the amp please don't hesitate to ask.

  • I appreciate you work but I can't tear my self away from the perfection that is HBE Gain 7 and 4 from the first release! 7 is just so nice; for the Gain 7 I went ahead and made it a lead sort of sound, added in the green scream at -2.1 tone and 2.2 drive and a gate; slightly boosted presence *2 and treble 1.4 and bass (2) with some reverb and delay....DROOL.

    Seriously, I buy alot of stuff too but I've been glued to the guitar with this sound more than many commercial profiles!

  • Phase issues are certainly a pain, but I don't find they're too difficult to deal with - just adds more time to the entire process. I like to use Voxengo Sound Delay to delay the near mic to match the far mic. I just tick it up 1 ms or 1 sample at a time until you hear the highs creep back in and the tone sounds full. If you're using one mic just to add body, you can low pass it - then you don't have to worry about comb filters affecting the high end.