Your KPA Recording Setup (NON-REAMPING ONLY)

  • So...I haven't done the SPDIF thing with my Kemper as of yet. My interface has only the digital in. I haven't really looked much into reamping but I gather you need the digital out as well to back to the kemper if doing reamping, correct?

    I will have a go at some point soon with the spdif in to my interface. I have to get one of those spdif to toslink convertors, unfortunately.

    No0. Re-amping doesn't have to be done digitally, you can use an analogue connection for the return, and for the send as well if you like. SPDIF is just more ideal as it bypasses any AD/DA conversion and generally maintains quality better.

  • Gtr65,

    I've had a few go arounds with my Focusrite 6i6.
    just wanted to mention that my experience with their customer service was absolutely top shelf.
    it took them a little bit to reply.
    but they were dogged in making sure that I got things working how I wanted them to.
    they got it going on, man.

    Thanks---I think I'm gonna try that after I attempt 1 more thing first; My Mac runs under OS X 10.6.8 and I currently have Mix Control 3.3 There is one newer version, 3.4 I'm going to install that and see if I am then able to change the sync source to SPDIF.

  • I find myself often restoring from Hardware after somehow screwing up the Focusrite settings. MixControl is still a little bit confusing to me.

    That said, there is a decent tutorial by TheRecordingRevolution on YouTube if you look it up by Graham Cochrane. It'll get you to understanding the basics of what MixControl does for you and how to manipulate some flow and level settings, especially how it relates to your DAW.

    Here it is:

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    Thanks for this. I did see that video once but I'm going to watch it again more attentively this time.

    I would just really love it if someone else who has a Focusrite interface and a similar setup, i.e., 1 digital coax connection: Kemper SPDIF Out to Focusrite SPDIF In to a Mac, and could share some Mix Control Settings, etc. My DAW, btw, is Reaper.

  • No0. Re-amping doesn't have to be done digitally, you can use an analogue connection for the return, and for the send as well if you like. SPDIF is just more ideal as it bypasses any AD/DA conversion and generally maintains quality better.

    I think the issue isn't analog or digital when it comes to reamping.
    You play differently when plugged into different amps. Some amps are more sensitive, compressed, snappier, saggy or harsh when you dig in too much... It's always a balancing act, with any player/guitar/amp combo. Change the amp without adjusting your playing and you lose something.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • FocusRite MixControl: Set the sample rate to 44.1 kHz BEFORE switching to SDPIF sync source. otherwise it doesn't change.

    SPDIF vs. analogue for reamping: Even if there is a difference (still haven't gotten around to testing it on my own system :-)), reamping is NOT a new technology; It has been used in many many studios over the years, and using an analogue reamp box (and usually going through AD/DA, unless you've recorded to tape). Which, I would guess, usually colours the signal moreso than the analogue route on the Kemper. You're doing it to change the sound anyway, don't get caught in the ADDAs

  • Excellent stuff there, only 1 of which I'd seen before. Thanks!!!

  • I think the issue isn't analog or digital when it comes to reamping.
    You play differently when plugged into different amps. Some amps are more sensitive, compressed, snappier, saggy or harsh when you dig in too much... It's always a balancing act, with any player/guitar/amp combo. Change the amp without adjusting your playing and you lose something.

    Exactly---thank you!

  • OK. Hmmm... I've had some glitches of this too. But only single cases, not every time. I think turning off one unit or the other solved it, or rebooting the computer. Can't remember which.

    I just updated to Mix Control 3.4, and it still won't allow me to change sync source from Internal to SPDIF. Also, when I go into the Mac's Audio MIDI Setup, there also I can't change Input source to SPDIF; whatever I do, it switches right back to Internal in the drop-down menu.

    It's weird, though. The status is "Locked," which I believe indicates good connection/communication between the Pro 24 DSP and the Kemper. Recording with everything set this way did work, it's just that the Kemper needs to be the master, and I just can't get it to be. It's all enough to make me want to break out a couple of XLR cables and see if I can tell any difference in sound quality vs the digital method.

  • There will be a difference. You'll get clicks with an unsynced spdif connection. And yes, you CAN record "unsynced", so that's not too strange.

    "locked" refers to the active sync source; so it means that it is "locked to itself" when the source is signaled as "internal".

    Try disconnecting and reconnecting the cables and/or switching them.

    Can you post a picture of your mixcontrol window?

    You're not trying to sync to SPDIF-OPT either, right?

  • There will be a difference. You'll get clicks with an unsynced spdif connection. And yes, you CAN record "unsynced", so that's not too strange.

    "locked" refers to the active sync source; so it means that it is "locked to itself" when the source is signaled as "internal".

    Try disconnecting and reconnecting the cables and/or switching them.

    Can you post a picture of your mixcontrol window?

    You're not trying to sync to SPDIF-OPT either, right?

    No, just SPDIF; I'm not choosing optical or ADAT or anything else.

    I'll try disconnecting and reconnecting the SPDIF cable after I try to learn more about the correct way to use Mix Control with my setup. It is definitely frustrating that the proprietary software my interface uses has such a steep learning curve. While researching for a solution to my problem, I read from people over and over again how confused they were/are about Mix Control.

  • No reamping for me and I use S/PDIF. I've found it so much easier than XLR, and with fresh ears I can tell that it sounds better than XLR.

    It can't get any easier:

    -No changes needed in Output controls on Kemper
    -Plug 1 S/PDIF cable from Kemper out to interface in (in my case a Focusrite 6i6)
    -Set DAW preferences to S/PDIF
    -Record away...

    No need to watch volume levels for clipping as is the case with XLR. With S/PDIF you can blast away and the signal never clips no matter how loud you have it. You can monitor with headphones or studio monitors plugged into the Kemper while you play so there are no latency issues.

  • No reamping for me and I use S/PDIF. I've found it so much easier than XLR, and with fresh ears I can tell that it sounds better than XLR.

    It can't get any easier:

    -No changes needed in Output controls on Kemper
    -Plug 1 S/PDIF cable from Kemper out to interface in (in my case a Focusrite 6i6)
    -Set DAW preferences to S/PDIF
    -Record away...

    No need to watch volume levels for clipping as is the case with XLR. With S/PDIF you can blast away and the signal never clips no matter how loud you have it. You can monitor with headphones or studio monitors plugged into the Kemper while you play so there are no latency issues.

    In the Kemper Output button menu, on the last page, I believe, there is a check box on the top of the window for SPDIF Out Link. By default, it's unchecked. On the bottom left is SPDIF volume. On a higher gain patch I was using, I found I had to lower this setting to -10.5 to stop the noise (while also using the KPA Noise Gate). Do you have the SPDIF Out Link box checked? What is your SPDIF volume set to? (I thought it stayed at 0.0 db.) Thanks.

  • In the Kemper Output button menu, on the last page, I believe, there is a check box on the top of the window for SPDIF Out Link. By default, it's unchecked. On the bottom left is SPDIF volume. On a higher gain patch I was using, I found I had to lower this setting to -10.5 to stop the noise (while also using the KPA Noise Gate). Do you have the SPDIF Out Link box checked? What is your SPDIF volume set to? (I thought it stayed at 0.0 db.) Thanks.

    The box is unchecked and the volume is full blast. If you need to lower the S/PDIF volume that's one thing, but I had the master volume cranked to 7.0 with the rig volume at 12:00 and clipping is impossible with S/PDIF. And that was with a super high gain patch. I'm no pro here, just a hobbyist messing around for fun, but I can tell you there is zero clipping according to my Focusrite MixControl software (and my ears). Great results right out of the box with no processing in Reaper.

  • The box is unchecked and the volume is full blast. If you need to lower the S/PDIF volume that's one thing, but I had the master volume cranked to 7.0 with the rig volume at 12:00 and clipping is impossible with S/PDIF. And that was with a super high gain patch. I'm no pro here, just a hobbyist messing around for fun, but I can tell you there is zero clipping according to my Focusrite MixControl software (and my ears). Great results right out of the box with no processing in Reaper.

    Thanks---I knew I could have sworn that my SPDIF volume had been at 0.0db (full) before I started fiddling with it. I don't know why yesterday I heard no signal noise but today, with the same preset, experienced noise.

    It's all part of these wonderful modern-day technological "advances" in recording, where on a daily basis you have to deal with things like constant computer operating system updates that are seldom stable and bug-free, device firmware updates that drop support for older but stable computer operating systems, signal routing matrixes within DAWs and interface software that a rocket scientist couldn't navigate, and technical glitches requiring the deductive powers of Sherlock Holmes to diagnose and repair. The KPA is what's the absolute best about technology. The other aforementioned factors, however, make me want to connect it to a good old analog mixer out to a reel-to-reel multitrack.

  • Re. clipping at high gain: You are much more susceptible to clipping with CLEAN tones than at high gain.

    The mix control is a bit of a beast. But it's pretty powerful once you wrap your head around it.

    Could you post a screenshot of your mixcontrol?

    Here's the deal: In the interest of doing what's best for my workflow and intolerance for technical problems and steep learning curves, I set up my Zoom R24 with the Kemper connected Main Output---Stereo Mix (in case I want to use certain effects)---XLR L & R Out to 2 track inputs on the R24. My first attempt at recording went off without a hitch and totally carefree from worries about signal flow to an interface, signal routing within the interface's software to the DAW, and then signal routing within the DAW. It's a beautiful thing. I actually picked up and played my guitar today!

    I'll do mixing and mastering in Reaper. Frustration and headaches: bypassed.

    If I could ever see even just a demo video of the Tascam DP-32SD, I'd consider one day upgrading to that for the extra channel strips.