• I got a MOTU 1248 over the holidays and love it so far. The convertors sound amazing and it's making it a pleasure to run my KPA through it. I found a nice little feature. The SPDIF on the 1248 has a sample rate converter built in so I don't need to set the 1248 to slave mode and can still connect the KPA via SPDIF to it. The only downside so far is that, for my system, I can't seem to get glitch free latency less than 10 ms. But then these are the first Windows USB drivers that MOTU has release so I'm optimistic.



  • That figure should come down as the drivers become refined over time, jayson, IMHO.

    I've been researching the AVB system for my 2012 Mac for almost a year now and can't wait to replace my 3 x 24I/O system with a 16A and 2 24Ai units. I'll have to sell some synths to make the system fit into the 64i / 64o USB2 limit, so that's a bit of a bummer as I don't have Thunderbolt.

    Just learned yesterday that one could use a PCIe gigabit ethernet card for 128i / 128o, just like Thunderbolt. I'm reluctant to take that plunge 'though 'cause not many folks have gone this route yet; it's early days, after all.

    It's fantastic that MOTU's been working so closely with its customers to refine and enhance the drivers and functionality of the AVB line. Very impressive, and I'd expect no less from the company whose basket I placed all my audio & MIDI I/O, as well as DAW, eggs into when I switched from ATARI to Mac 16 years ago. The AVB thing is more-or-less cutting-edge, so you'd expect hiccups and unanticipated issues, but as the following thread illustrates, MOTU's been bending over backwards to ensure it's a rock-solid and attractive platform:


  • Yes it has gotten a bit better with the last couple of driver releases. I'm down to 5.8ms but that's in the relaxed ASIO mode which makes for a higher round trip latency. This is on my 2600K Win 7 64 bit system which hasn't been cleaned up in about three years. I've been planning on doing a clean install of Win 7 but in testing of Win 10 on an older DAW (Q6600 at 2.4ghz), the MOTU is getting 2.9ms on the standard ASIO mode. Over on the Cakewalk forum, a DAW builder is getting even better numbers with a MOTU Ultralite AVB which uses the same drivers as the 1248.


    BTW, I've been reading and contributing to that other GS thread under a different handle. :)



  • LOL! Jayson was taken so ... KanaryProduction over there.

    Definitely workable latency for me and it should get better with Win 10. Still amazed by the sound quality of the unit. What would really make it amazing would be if Kemper could make the network port on the KPA compatible with AVB!



  • Oh man, an AVB Kemper...

    Mate, life's complicated enough as it is!

    Hey, it matters not 'cause the MOTU's converters are so humongously-awesome that they'll take nothing away from the pristine beauty of our beloved Kempers. Laid down my first instalment towards the AVB system on Friday. Woohoo! Only... er... several months to go.

    Enjoy your Kemper and converter goodness, Jayse, and I'll catch you 'round like a rissole, mate.