Sine wave test?

  • I am away from home at the moment so unable to test this but whilst the thought occurred to me I wondered if you guys happened to know the answer.

    I am trying to understand a possible issue with my audio interface and or Kemper (or it could just be my ears) and the routing in the Focusrite mix control software. If I re-amp a sine wave with all modules bypassed should I see a sine wave in the re-amped a printed track? As an aside would the re-amp sense affect the return signal beyond gain staging. My instict is it shouldn't but just something else to check.

  • Not sure what you mean with would the re-amp sense affect the return signal beyond gain staging.
    The Reamp sens will allow you to adjust the level of the line signal coming from your DAW to match it to the level of your instrument to achieve the same amount of gain in the rig.

  • Thanks guys.

    I think I may have stumbled onto something but needs further investigation. I was finding the stereo imaging vague at my listening spot. as though the L&R channels were refusing to meet nicely in the centre. I sensed the sound coming from left and right rather than it coming at me from the centre. It wasn't so obvious that you would immediately say phase or comb filtering just a lack of punch in the middle. I am connected by SPDIF into a Focusrite Liquid 56 then into a Samson C-Control (yes I know!) and therafter into my passive monitor set up.

    It was odd that using comparitive volume the clips say from Andys site had this centre power whereas If I used the same profile guitar and emulated as best I could here the playing dynamics everyhing sounded very left and right. In desperation I connected the main outs directly into my monitor set up and immediately felt there was a difference both in terms of the stereo image but also the audible range, some profiles which had previously seemed quite bland now had extra bottom and more in the 4-5khzish range. String rakes in particular sounded more evident. I need my buddy to come round so I can get him to unplug and route without me moving as this is hadly a test under scientific conditions and aware of the brains relentless attempt to pusuade you different is somehow better I'm still reserving judgment but I'm at quietly optimistic.

    I will however do the sign wave test and see what that reveals but I suspect if there is an issue it is happening somewhere between the Focusrite outs and the inputs on my power amp, Samson would be my guess but I also need to swap out all cables one by one to try and isolate any changes.