Speaker Stands

  • I notice a pretty large price swing among the various speaker stands available. Have any of you had one actually fail? I'm wondering if there's any reason to buy the high-priced models ...

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I've had stands fail, but not without "help" from the audience. High price is no guarantee for good quality in stands. There are cheap, but heavy, steel stands that are virtually indestructible. Some general recommendations:

    • Get a stand that is certified to carry the weight of your speakers.
    • Get cranked stands if you have to handle the stands and speakers alone with speakers weighing more than about 20kg.
  • I'm currently looking for a pair as well.
    Some things to consider:
    1) Whether your mounting requirements are 1.5" or 1.375". Some accommodate both.
    2) Many have (what I believe to be) overstated weight specifications. But that's just my opinion.
    Fortunately, today's speakers (even powered) are pretty light as compared to the antiques of old.
    Moreover, I expect I'll only be going ear height or so anyway, so my "wobble factor" should be pretty negligible.

    So... I inclined to believe many of the higher cost offerings might be overkill for these purposes.

    Right now I thinking a pair of Ultimate JS-TS50's or similar just might do it for me.
    Of course there's no substitute for actual experience, so I'd be very much interested in practical usage.

    Happy Kemper

    Edited once, last by carsnguitars58 (December 16, 2014 at 8:17 PM).

  • One point I made attention to when looking for strands for my CLR was the possibility to raise (lower?) the tweeter at ear height when sitting. Many stands can't go so low.
    Also,I can see how raising a CLR and mounting it on the pole is not for everyone, and requires some coordination and some strength both in the shoulder(s) and in the back. Hydraulic stands can be of help in cases there's a special need in this department.

    Generally speaking, the larger the base the safer the cab (see Pisa's tower) :D

  • Hadn't really thought about that before since I'm typically standing for my gigs.
    But, clearly you make a valid point to take into consideration.
    Weight-wise - the OP didn't specify what he was using. Since the DXR10 is both lighter and smaller than your CLR, cab weight/size might make all the difference in stand selection.

    No disputing hydraulic stands helping out with hefty/tall cab settings, but selecting anything like that needs to be well matched to the cab's size/weight, otherwise it'll result in overcompensating causing a hard to control "springing" issue. More of a hindrance than help in that case IMO.

    Likewise, I agree broader bases = safety, but some remain interested in leaner footprint options for coffee house type settings. (which I believe the OP was targeting)
    I've also seen ballast weights which could help with smaller base stands in closed quarter venues.

    Happy Kemper

  • Giving all considerations mentioned, it appears there's no substitute for a sound and stable base.
    Makes perfect sense to me...

    I'm liking models with offset the tripods more and more.
    Last point, not mentioned before here would be sturdy and roadworthy clasps.

    Happy Kemper

  • Update: I reached out to a good friend of mine who happens to use a pair Ultimate TS-90's and he couldn't be happier with them. A close second would be their TS-80's IMO.

    I suppose I was kidding myself a little with the TS-50's I was looking into before. (Lulled by cost savings)
    By comparison, the offset tripods, wide base, Telelock collar, and overall integrity has now won me over.

    As said earlier, nothing is absolute under gigging conditions, but (to me) investing the extra $$ seems negligible given the additional piece of mind they'll bring.

    FWIW - Here in the states, Music & Arts is offering and additional 15% off thru the Xmas so I jumped on them.
    Once mine arrive, I'll have some better first hand experience, but expect to be fully satisfied and glad I chose quality over cost savings.

    Happy Kemper

  • Update: I reached out to a good friend of mine who happens to use a pair Ultimate TS-90's and he couldn't be happier with them. A close second would be their TS-80's IMO.

    I suppose I was kidding myself a little with the TS-50's I was looking into before. (Lulled by cost savings)
    By comparison, the offset tripods, wide base, Telelock collar, and overall integrity has now won me over.

    As said earlier, nothing is absolute under gigging conditions, but (to me) investing the extra $$ seems negligible given the additional piece of mind they'll bring.

    FWIW - Here in the states, Music & Arts is offering and additional 15% off thru the Xmas so I jumped on them.
    Once mine arrive, I'll have some better first hand experience, but expect to be fully satisfied and glad I chose quality over cost savings.

    Thanks for the input! :thumbup:

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer