How to rate profiles

  • You have to import the profile first. After importing to your Rig Manager Local Library or KPA, you can rate the rigs.

    Sound Engineer, Musician, Animal Rights Activist.

    Fender '89 Clapton Strat, EMG DG20, KPA, Martin, SSL, Neve, Manley, Tube-Tech, Millennia, API, Lynx, RME, Avid, Apple, Adam...

  • Thanks - just to clarify: If I use RigManager to preview Rigs, I can't rate them, correct? It only works after I have imported the Rig in my KPA.
    I have been going through lots of Rigs on preview mode in RigManager and have taken my time to rate the ones I previewd - but after some time I got suspicious, because my ratings never showed up on the website or in RigManager.
    Yet, if I am supposed to load the profiles I want to rate into my KPA, I am sorry, but that won't happen. I am happy that my KPA (now with the use of RigManager) is relatively tidy. I won't load new Rigs into the KPA only to be able to rate them.

  • I have been going through lots of Rigs on preview mode in RigManager and have taken my time to rate the ones I previewd - but after some time I got suspicious, because my ratings never showed up on the website or in RigManager.
    Yet, if I am supposed to load the profiles I want to rate into my KPA, I am sorry, but that won't happen. I am happy that my KPA (now with the use of RigManager) is relatively tidy. I won't load new Rigs into the KPA only to be able to rate them.

    you can rate while previewing. you don't need to store. there are two types of rating: the "crowd" rating which you enter by rating a preview. and the personal rating which you only can do by rigs you have stored on your profiler.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Thanks G String, but how come that once I rate a rig (using the dedicated soft button on the KPA) while previewing, it doesn't show up on RigManager? I closed RigManager and opened it again and waited for RigManager to sync, but my rating doesn't show up.

  • Thanks G String, but how come that once I rate a rig (using the dedicated soft button on the KPA) while previewing, it doesn't show up on RigManager? I closed RigManager and opened it again and waited for RigManager to sync, but my rating doesn't show up.

    the average score on the website might not update in realtime. and in rig manager, the rating only shows up when you rate in the local library. i've just checked and that seems to work fine.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • I think it would be nice for some sort of confirmation to appear once you've rated the rig. I'm also confused then, if it's a general 'crowd rating', why it shows 1 rating, 2 ratings, 10 ratings etc.

    Finally, is importing a rig any different than just dragging it to your profiler? I always drag and drop never use import.