• After a few days, and also with Slate VMR out, what are your current thoughts on AirEq?
    While at first I was floored with the precision and clarity of the eq, I am now much more skeptical about its use. I have the impression that, even with very mild boosts and cuts, I lose a good deal of the warmth of the original signal, somehow. In a way it sound too perfect and pristine, if you know what I mean.
    Especially after toying with the VMR and achieving the kick sound of my dreams (fat, tight, punchy, warm but not too spacey, scooped but without feeling overprocesssed) I could myself doing much more substantial work with it and using AirEq only for some radical cut and refinement, and I don't know if that justifies the purchase to be honest...
    What are your thoughts?

  • I like the latest Slate's compressors, but I have tons of compressors and don't need another.

    I recently have been going over older recordings and working on a newer one using the AirEQ and the Eventide UltraReverb and between those two they breathe such amazing results in such natural shapes that I'm blown away.

    THOSE two plugins are worth more to me than the whole Waves Diamond set I'm up to. I imagine we have much more such greatness to look forward to. As for Slate, I haven't been able to tame his plugins for my tastes to make the purchase. I don't know why, but you gotta go with what works for you, right?