• I'm using ISP Stealth into an Avatar with Classic G12H 75th ann and G12 Vintage 30 25th ann and it's stunningly nice.

    (but I'm such an MBritt profile slut I can put them into an iPod earbud and bliss out, lol, so don't listen to me)

    I love my Stealth but I still want tube power. I am very anxious for Fryette to release the LXII...

  • Hi JerEvil,

    Did you decide to hold off on pulling the trigger on the Fryette Power Station, in favor of the upcoming (hopefully soon) LXII?


    I am really fighting this hard. I could get both. The attenuator won't ever be a BAD thing to have. The size is nice too. Can pretty well hide behind my Kemper on the Splawn cab. I like the functionality of the LXII though. I am an impulse buyer so like I said, I will probably end up with both! LOL!

  • I am really fighting this hard. I could get both. The attenuator won't ever be a BAD thing to have. The size is nice too. Can pretty well hide behind my Kemper on the Splawn cab. I like the functionality of the LXII though. I am an impulse buyer so like I said, I will probably end up with both! LOL!

    Absolutely nothing wrong with that, mate. I am the same way.

    After I ordered my KPA Power Rack, I immediately placed an order for a XiTone 1x12 Passive Wedge. It is not like I really needed it, given all the guitar cabs I own. However, I figure it will give me a lot of flexibility to experiment with the Power Rack and a FRFR set-up. I actually am holding off on making a bunch of tweaked, Favorite profiles, as I want to have the XiTone on hand. That way, I will make one set, tailored specifically for the XiTone's attributes, and another set, tailored for using one of my traditional guitar cabinets (which may simply be Direct profiles).

    I just got my Fed Ex tracking number from Mick at XiTone...so it should be here shortly. :thumbup:

  • Absolutely nothing wrong with that, mate. I am the same way.

    After I ordered my KPA Power Rack, I immediately placed an order for a XiTone 1x12 Passive Wedge. It is not like I really needed it, given all the guitar cabs I own. However, I figure it will give me a lot of flexibility to experiment with the Power Rack and a FRFR set-up. I actually am holding off on making a bunch of tweaked, Favorite profiles, as I want to have the XiTone on hand. That way, I will make one set, tailored specifically for the XiTone's attributes, and another set, tailored for using one of my traditional guitar cabinets (which may simply be Direct profiles).

    I just got my Fed Ex tracking number from Mick at XiTone...so it should be here shortly. :thumbup:

    That's the way to do it!

  • Tritium, I would be interested in having your impressions of the XiTone. Maybe a review thread? :)

    Cheers guys

    Will do, bigb6611.

    EDIT -- I just checked Fed Ex tracking. The XiTone Wedge should be delivered tomorrow (Friday). I have a good friend coming over tomorrow, from Boston, for a jam session...so I am not sure I will have time to set-up the XiTone. I want to show-off the KPA Power Rack to my buddy, and I have dialed in some provisional favorites, that I tweaked and saved while playing my KPA (with power amp switched off) through a Tech 21 Power Engine. In fact, I probably will hold-off on hooking up the XiTone, until this weekend, where I will have time and solitude to begin the process of breaking it in as well as tailoring and tweaking favorite rigs for this FRFR passive wedge. I will start a separate, new thread to offer my "first impressions / review" on the XiTone. So, stay tuned my friends.

    Edited once, last by Tritium (April 30, 2015 at 11:11 PM).

  • I tried giving my Kemper some water before bed and now it doesn't turn on! Can anyone help?

    Holy Crap. You forgot the three important rules for responsible ownership of your KPA.

    1) Keep it out of the light, it hates bright light, especially sunlight.

    2) Don't give it any water, not even to drink (see rule #3).

    3) But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget, no matter how much it cries, no matter how much it begs, never feed it after midnight.


  • Which M Britt pack to begin with? I am looking forcsome nice 80's metal, 70's Rock (KISS, AC/DC), and some nice indie jangle tones.

    I would be inclined to say pack 3 but you can't go wrong with pack 2 either. Lately I've been mostly using pack 3. While I don't do 80s metal I think 3 might have a better selection for that. I could be wrong.

  • I only have pack 2 so far, but you won't be disappointed with pack 2 for 70's and 80's stuff. That's my favorite era to play on guitar. I love older Kiss, Van Halen, Scorpions, Sammy Hagar, AC/DC, ect. That pack can nail those tones.

  • Many thanks everybody. Iwent witht the general consensus, and bought pack 2. I am no disappointed! So no doubt, in the near futue, I will hve all three packs! A least ten of them ( clean and heavy) made it into my exclusive "Favourite Pofiles" folder in rig manger. Cheers again for your input. A very happy customer.

  • Ok. Based on all the positive things said in this thread I bought pack one on Friday. Love it. Best profiles I've found, hands down. These have really taken the KPA to a new level for me personally. Packs 2 and 3 incoming.

    Extra points for the locker room humor in some of the profile names. (I can't wait to see what you come up with if you ever profile a Friedman Pink Taco.) Extra points also for playing Fastway's "Say What You Will" in one of the sound clips. :thumbup: Nice obscure hair-metal homage there!

    Great stuff, Mike!

  • Ok. Based on all the positive things said in this thread I bought pack one on Friday. Love it. Best profiles I've found, hands down. These have really taken the KPA to a new level for me personally. Packs 2 and 3 incoming.

    Extra points for the locker room humor in some of the profile names. (I can't wait to see what you come up with if you ever profile a Friedman Pink Taco.) Extra points also for playing Fastway's "Say What You Will" in one of the sound clips. :thumbup: Nice obscure hair-metal homage there!

    Great stuff, Mike!

    Khaki - Thanks so much for the kind feedback. I'm glad you're liking the profiles. Friedman does a pretty great job at coming up with locker room humor already. I did change Friedman Brown Eye to Fried A-hole, no big stretch there. I'm not sure what I'm going to name the Pink Taco but I was thinking that the Dirty Shirley could be the Dirty Sanchez. Ha. Legally, it's just safer than using trademarked names in case someone mistakenly thinks they're buying a real $3000 amp for $49. I wouldn't want to mislead anyone. ;)

    And it's hard coming up with things to play on those clips. I try to find songs or parts that kinda show off what the profile might be good at, but I need a bigger bag to pull from sometimes. I'm sure people are tired of hearing me play the same kind of stuff over and over, and I'm no shredder so I'm not just gonna throw down for more than a few seconds. Ha.

    Maxy - We've been doing some Lonestar recording lately and there are a bunch of events around the end of the kids' school year, but I promise I'm spending every spare moment going through and tweaking and choosing profiles for the next packs. You can probably count on 2 and possibly a smaller 3rd coming out within the next 3 weeks, and even sooner if I can find time to do all the website updating as well. I went through the vast majority of the new profiles today trying to pick the best ones and getting the others off my KPA because I was almost at 900 profiles and the restoring was taking forever. It's hard to pick what to let go of sometimes, even though I keep numerous backups on the computer rig manager. Anyway, I think there are some great ones in the upcoming ones. I hesitate to pick favorites yet, as everyone seems to gravitate to different rigs and sounds and that's the coolest part to me.

    thanks and now I'm back to work...

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Maxy - We've been doing some Lonestar recording lately and there are a bunch of events around the end of the kids' school year, but I promise I'm spending every spare moment going through and tweaking and choosing profiles for the next packs. You can probably count on 2 and possibly a smaller 3rd coming out within the next 3 weeks, and even sooner if I can find time to do all the website updating as well. I went through the vast majority of the new profiles today trying to pick the best ones and getting the others off my KPA because I was almost at 900 profiles and the restoring was taking forever. It's hard to pick what to let go of sometimes, even though I keep numerous backups on the computer rig manager. Anyway, I think there are some great ones in the upcoming ones. I hesitate to pick favorites yet, as everyone seems to gravitate to different rigs and sounds and that's the coolest part to me.

    Every exciting stuff! I appreciate the update and good luck on all the things you got on your plate!