• Hi there, I have all of your packs, to date. I heard a rumour of a new one on the horizon. Is this true? If so, very exciting. I saw the NAMM video of the new 3rd Power Dual Citizen a couple of weeks ago. I think it may be my favourite bottle amp in the world. It sounded worthy of its own pack. I'd buy it. If you're interested, I recorded a track of my own using the Dr Z Rx, the Blackface Deluxe and the 3PAC from your various packs. I don't see enough country around here. I tried to remedy that!

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    Man I LOVE this clip! My wife just ordered me a G&L Asat Classic Bluesy with Seth Lover hum bucker in the neck. These are the tones I am looking to get out of that guitar. Just got the Kelley, Tweedy, Guytron and Marshall mini packs but my darn Kemper is at the rehearsal house until tomorrow!!! I will be sure to post clips this weekend!

  • Ok, I'm gonna try my hand at a Periscope broadcast around 4pm (central) UTC -6:00. You can always go back and watch it later if you miss it. Was curious if anyone had any questions you'd like me to address/answer? Feel free to respond here or tweet @mbrittprofiles. Thanks!

    Thats 5:00 pm EST, correct? (or EDT, I never know which is appropriate). I'll by pressed but hope to listen in. I'm mainly interested in any lessons learned you can share for the 'home profiler' - mic choice and placement being key. I hope to embark on an ad hoc profiing project this fall and any insight to making sure I don't waste mine, and my benefactor's time would be appreciated!!

  • Thats 5:00 pm EST, correct? (or EDT, I never know which is appropriate). I'll by pressed but hope to listen in. I'm mainly interested in any lessons learned you can share for the 'home profiler' - mic choice and placement being key. I hope to embark on an ad hoc profiing project this fall and any insight to making sure I don't waste mine, and my benefactor's time would be appreciated!!

    Yes, that'd be 5p eastern. I'll try to address some profiling things. thanks!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • This is just horrible - I think I have all the profiles I need and then I hear of this Marshall pack - but wait I have a bunch of Mike's Marshall profiles already in the other packs along with a few from Top Jimi, TAF, and others. And now it seems I must have more - my god how much is enough - how many different profiles can you own before you have enough - well I guess in my case the answer is as many as Mike and the other guys can continue to make that sound this good. And there goes a few more $ and whole lot of time - poof gone!

    Thanks Mike!

    Look at it this way-the profile packs are still much cheaper than buying effects pedals, and look at how many of THOSE some people crank through on a regular basis.

  • Yes, that'd be 5p eastern. I'll try to address some profiling things. thanks!

    Hi Michael,

    I am not familiar with Periscope. However, I hope your webinar (or whatever "Periscope" calls it) went well. I assume that this event is available for streaming as an HD recording. Where is this hosted? I couldn't find a link on your website.

    Thanks in advance.


    P.S. -- purchased and downloaded your '69 Marshall pack the other day. What can I say...absolutely kick ass profiles. Love the Guytron cab!!! I am going to purchase the Guytron GT-100 pack, next. I always wanted to try that amp, but they don't exactly grow on trees. Glad that I now have the opportunity, via the KPA and your new profile pack.

  • Got to watch this plus hopped on the bandwagon of guys asking Michael questions from the Airplane movie! It was pretty cool and Michael walked through his set up and lots of good stuff.

    Lol...what the heck?? You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.. Were these questions as follows:

    "Have you ever seen a grown man naked"?
    "Do you ever hang around the gymnasium"?
    "Do you like movies about gladiators"?
    "Have you ever been in a Turkish prison"?

  • During the broadcast last night Mike's phone received a call. That apparently bumped us offline. I was pretty sure we were still getting questions right up until the end of the 30 minute session. Oh well, it was fun & I'm sure Mike has more fun stuff lined up. Kemper & Cocktail's!

    My name is Chris & I'm a guitar-a-holic!

  • During the broadcast last night Mike's phone received a call. That apparently bumped us offline. I was pretty sure we were still getting questions right up until the end of the 30 minute session. Oh well, it was fun & I'm sure Mike has more fun stuff lined up. Kemper & Cocktail's!


    I am computer savvy, however, I do not use Twitter. Would I be correct in understanding that the Periscope application will only run on iOS and Android smart phones? In other words, you have to download and install the Periscope app on your phone. I take it there is no plug-in / extension which allows Periscope to run within a browser on a PC (e.g. Google Chrome)?