Gain control using footswitches 1 or 2.

  • I would love to be able to control the gain with an expression pedal in one of the FS slots on the back of the kemper. I have used my pod hd to do this with a cc message but would like to get away from the midi controller thing and just use a few simple switches and an expression pedal.

  • I would love to be able to control the gain with an expression pedal in one of the FS slots on the back of the kemper. I have used my pod hd to do this with a cc message but would like to get away from the midi controller thing and just use a few simple switches and an expression pedal.

    you can control the gain with an expressionpedal (if it´s the amp gain, not of an effect in an effectslot)

    plug in the exp-p
    push [SYSTEM)
    page 4 - select volumen
    push [RIG]
    page 3
    select location pre stomps (like guitar volumen - means stomps get the get the changed volumen - so you can control the gain of an overdrive/distortionpedal in an stompslot) or post stomps (like amp - gain - means stomps get the full guitar volumen )
    (maximum gain defined by the kempers gainknob)