Question to Bass players.

  • Since this is my first post I will start by introducing myself.

    Hello everyone, my name is Xiocus I'm an old fart bass player with 30y experience on the best instrument ever 8). During all these years I have been collecting a huge amount of bass gear, many of this gear (My amps) are back where I come from taken care by a childhood and best friend who owns a studio. I moved to another country and I simply can't bring them all here where I live now.

    My first experience with amp simulators came by visiting this friend I mentioned and whine about how much I miss my amps, 3 days later he came to me with a present, a brand new line6 UX2 with all the expansions. He told me: This is not even close to what you are use to but, it will keep you busy. To be honest, it doesn't sound "great" but, indeed has keep me busy and some presets after some tweaking sounds quite decent on my Yamaha HS80M.

    I have been saving some money to get me an amp, I'm sick of tire to just DI when I get some gigs but, that money is hard earned and as a father, it is very hard to expend it. When is not the garage, it is the freezer or the kids needs new glasses and so on... I guess you get the picture.

    I came across a youtube video about the Kemper and I have to admit that, I got close to an orgasm just by thinking that I could profile my precious collection of amps to have them all in a tiny little box, tiny if you compare it to 17 amps/cabs that I own. Still the quality of the videos is not something that you can take for granted that is going to sound great. I have read that Kemper has made some improvement for the bass players (Still a lot more to read) but, mostly the audio files I have been able to get with proper quality are guitarists.

    My questions now to the bass players owning this piece of engineering art:

    Strictly thinking as a bass player, does the Kemper really makes justice to the simulated bass amps?
    Now that you owned, is it really worth it? (I do not care about guitar amps, strictly bass),
    How does the Kemper transcribe the sound in live situation?
    Is there downside when you only use it as a bass pre amp?
    Would you buy it in my situation? (Please be fully honest in this last one, don't sell me smoke)

    I really appreciate any input and thank you all so much in advance.

    "There is not ugly woman, they are just difficult to look at"

  • Guitarist here, but I play bass occasionally.

    - It sounds just as good for bass as it does for guitar. That is, if the profile is good, it's damn close to the real thing. They recently added a parallel chain to help bassists out - the first two stomp slots get set aside and routed straight to the outputs to serve (typically) as a clean tone that you can blend in with whatever distortion/grind you're getting from the main signal path. If you record at all, it's also really easy to send both a direct signal and your amped tone out and then mix them together afterward.

    - Live sound - can't say.

    - Unless the profile is made from just a preamp, the sound won't be 100% perfect when you turn off the cab section. It's a tiny difference, but it's there.

    - Hard to say. I think it comes down to how much variety you need for tones and effects. For guitar, I only need four or five patches for playing with, but I enjoy tweaking them and searching for that elusive "holy grail" tone (Iced Earth, in my case) - the Kemper is awesome for this, even if I'm not necessarily using everything it can do. Before I got the Kemper, I was looking at all sorts of complicated four-cable-method rigs to get the same flexibility, and eventually I just said "this gear is probably never leaving my house, so why bother?" Spending a little more to have it all in one box is a big plus in that situation.

    Depending on your needs, there are a ton of small bass setups available these days that sound amazing - if I were doing live work, I'd probably just pick up a Microtubes B7K and one of the smaller TC or GK amps.

  • First of all, thanks for the response Lokasenna.

    I own a few pre-amps that I have with me here, included Microtubes B7K (I use it the most), Hartke Bass Attack VXL(Second worse piece of gear I have ever buy), a Tech 21 Character VT Bass Deluxe (Which I use but I'm not too happy about), I even own a Korg pandora mini (Which I use to worm up with headphones and as a tuner). Anyhow as I said in the original post, I'm sick of tire to DI to PA, I want to feel the air moving when you get close to your cab(For sure you know what I mean), to be less depended of the gear at the gig and I also play all kind of music. I can be define as a mercenary ex. Xiocus we have a wedding this weekend we will be playing country music, next weekend it's jazz jamming at the local bar, etc... I got even invited to cover the bass player spot on a teenage band, all of them between 18/22 years old and me, an old fart almost in wheelchair playing grunch, I must also say I had a blast of fun.

    What I'm looking for is to also minimize what I'm carrying around from gig to gig and to be able to fulfil any kind of situation. I recently tested a Line6 StageSource L3t, it was the PA the owner of a bar had and I was quite impressed with the flat and rich sound so, my plan so far was to get myself one of them and then the Kemper, if it really transcribes and if it does, next time I'm back in my homeland I will be profiling all my missing gear.

    Minimal gear to cover whatever I get, definitely a dream come true...

    I would love to hear non edited bass solo tracks (Wav or flac) with different models, I do not have a close local shop that has the Kemper, after check the only one who has it is like 400km away from me and I would love to test it so, I'm pretty much on hold waiting for responses in this forum before I dare to do the move towards the Kemper.


    "There is not ugly woman, they are just difficult to look at"

  • Welcome Xiocus :)

    Mainly a guitar player here, but wanted to chime in to say hello :D

    I think you'll be surprised by how close the Profiler will sound to your gear!
    OTOH, if you're tired of DIing your signal, you'll have to factor in buying a good cab. It'd better not be a bass cab, with digital simulators you need as linear and transparent cab(s) as possible (or go straight into the sound desk).

    Many believe that an Atomic Amplifiers CLR, in conjunction with a sub, is the best way to go.
    Unless you use 5- or 6-string instruments as well, one CLR would do wonders for you.
    Of course you may want to go direct and uze the cab as a monitor in the main venues.

    Consider that, while it can sound spectacular with one, bass has not been "officially supported" yet by Kemper. Parallel path is the first move in that direction. With this I mean that I'm pretty sure that (as Eng. Kemper himself has stated) support for bass and bass players (and I mean dedicated fx/EQs/compressors/distortions, special routings, and who knows, maybe some special controls or procedure for profiling a bass amp) will be huge in the future.

    Even today you can do lots of interesting things with a bass nonetheless: parallel fx routing, outputting a processed and a direct sound at the same time, set and save input parameters on a per-instrument base... Not to mention a good number of bass profiles, which will definitely take off when Kemper makes bass support "official".

    Basically, if your goal is to have with you your beloved sounds, the Kemper can't be beaten :thumbup:

  • Me again with some samples for you. Three different styles, each of them in the same order - dry bass, some kind of Gallien Krueger, SVT, B7K. All I did after recording was adjust the levels. Hopefully they help!

  • viabcroce: Thanks a lot to chime in and hello to you too.

    After all the reading I've been doing I'm very surprised my brain hasn't turn liquid yet, there is a lot to take in consideration. The Atomic CLR Series frequency Response is 70Hz-18kHz +/- 2.5dB(I guess that is why you mention to use a subwoofer) the drivers are, (1x) Custom 250w 1x12", (1x) 90w 1" HF Compression Driver I don\t doubt is a good option for guitar players but, I also own a 5 and a 6 strings bass(My last born baby), the lower string of a 5 or 6 strings bass (On the 6 string the tuning is B0, E1, A1, D2, G2 and C3) is a B with a 30.868 Hz frequency response, that is simply a lot of mass to move. I believe I need a FRFR active speakers with a 15" to go that low. I have a pair of Yamaha HS80M and I learned really fast to use headphones that are flat down to 20 Hz minimum to be able to tame those frequencies while working my sound at home so, to make them translate properly to live situation. So, I have to do a proper research looking for that "Minimal gear to cover whatever I get". When I say minimal, that means to leave out the picture the idea to also carry a subwoofer. I mentioned that I tested a Line6 StageSource L3t, this speaker has 2x 10" but, it goes down to 40hz and when I tested it I got quite impressed how it did tame my lower string. Anyhow I am going to look at this under the microscope before I do any move about FRFR speakers.

    I have read a post in this forum about someone having problems to tame the 5th string, I bet (of course I'm not a 100% sure) it is due his monitor system or cab not being able to go as low as that string requires so, making him unable to hear what is really going on.

    At this point after all I have read and you very highly appreciated input guys, I got not doubts that Kemper is an insane tool to fit in my arsenal and as I said before, just the idea that I could profile all my amps in this tiny box gives me chills all over my old bones.

    Lokasenna: Man I don't know you but, definitely I love you after posting those files, the word thanks doesn't make you justice. I owe you a big one.

    Before I comment over the files I first got to tell you about my neighbours son. He is the bass player in a band, I did cower his spot for a show after he got a crash with his bicycle and had problems with his arm. He is a 19 years old boy and we have a deal, he cuts the grass for my wife precious garden (She is nuts about her garden) and I teach him the ways of the bass, I mostly do it because he is taking everything to a very serious level, it simply makes me proud. Today is a red day here and he was banging my door since 9am, we both listened your files and when he heard the distortion samples he was just giggling.

    I very rarely use picks to play but, I liked those samples even when it is not my cup of tea. The presence after I did a level normalizer on Wavelab was pretty sweet still the presence was between 80hz and 250hz. Could you make me a favour? I will owe two after this one, if it is not too much to ask for, could you re-amp this 2 files I posted under exactly with the same order you did yours? A million thanks in advance.…%20Bass%20A.wav…%20Bass%20B.wav

    db9091: Thanks for chiming in.

    I own 5 basses that I have been collecting within the years, some of them second hand but, they were a damn good deal so, I couldn't resist it. I will do a show off after the Kemper has landed at my place.

    Yeah, for recording DI is the way to go, after recording re-amp and work from there until the bass fits without compete for space in the lower bands. I really want to use the Kemper for live.

    Thanks a lot guys!

    PD: Really nice community! :love:

    "There is not ugly woman, they are just difficult to look at"

  • Thank you so much Lokasenna, I really appreciate the help.

    After I sent you the files I thought about that but, they did exactly what I wanted. The loops were on G and E key like yours,
    I just wanted to check if the presence of the middles were the pick or the amps profiles itself... It was the pick.

    I'm quite sold, just two more steps to go. First to talk with the minister of economy (My wife) to tell her the news and second,
    the search for the FRFR speakers but, this last one I can easily handle once the Kemper has arrive. Anyhow, I believe a 15"
    driver is the one to go for the bass... I will check this theory in the local shop, he got a big selection of active speakers.

    Thanks a lot for your help fellas!!! :thumbup:

    "There is not ugly woman, they are just difficult to look at"

  • Glad you took your decision :thumbup:

    Just a couple of words about the points you make.

    Have you made the experience to listen to a 30 Hz sinusoid? It's interesting... you realize that there might be mass to move, but the most contents of a real 30-Hz sound is in the harmonics.
    The CLR reproduces 80 Hz @ -2.5 dB, this doesn't mean it doesn't sound anything lower. You should consider other parameters as well than just low-end amplitude response: distorsion, coherence, transient speed, sound consistency over listening angles... are all influencing your sound's quality and the cab's usability.

    As a side note... are you sure your HPs reproduce 20 Hz @ 0 dB? 8| I've never seen/read/experienced anything similar, and frankly find this incredible...


  • Hey again!


    Glad you took your decision :thumbup:

    Thank you!!


    Have you made the experience to listen to a 30 Hz sinusoid?

    Yeah and I definitely understand what are you talking about. Between the gear I own, I have 2x Trace Elliot 1048T (4x10"), when you plug a 5 or 6 string bass and play around with B string you can hear it clearly but, also as well defined by you, they are harmonics. I also own a Trace Elliot 1518 (1x15") and when I switch the lower 1048T cab for the 1518 cab. Well, day and night comes clear while playing that lower B string. I'm so sorry, if my technicism isn't explaining correctly what I mean but, the clear sound and presence of that lower notes are very well defined compared to the 2xCab with 4x10". Also I'm a player and just a very amateur sound technician, my friend in the other hand... the one who holds my gear, is the one should be here answering you more technically correct.


    are you sure your HPs reproduce 20 Hz @ 0 dB?

    Definitely yes... This a big discussion I had once where I ask: how the drivers diameter of headphones could reproduce those lower frequencies? and I was answered by my friend I have mention in a very technical way which just gave me headaches. I always do the same when things gets this technically nasty, I plug my bass and I tell him give me a score to read and play, please shut up! :whistling:

    Quote from Wiki (<---Click there for full page) :

    A B string rings at 30.868 Hz so, plenty of room after you have bought the right set of headphones. After I got my recommended headphones, I also got teach by my friend how to use them as a reference to check what is going on in the lower frequencies while not having or not trusting your monitors reference.

    You also could test yours here they also have way better explanation that I could ever give you... I can be a bit off your grid since I put my finger here and listen... Opps doesn't work or I don't like it, then I put my finger there. Trail fail, then when I'm around people that knows best, I put them to work 8).

    I also recently bought an UH-7000 and I have ever heard before such of great headphones amp in a recording device. I mostly use it for listening, since I rarely record at my place.


    "There is not ugly woman, they are just difficult to look at"

  • Only for studio use: I won't buy the KPA for bass-amp-/cab-simulations only. Imo there are better engines outthere for this purpose (but to a much higher price), or similar-sounding engines to a lower price. The very potential of the KPA is imo it's ability to transport the "smack" of a strat coming out a 2x12" cabinet nearly exactly into your near-/mid-field-monitors and studio-recordings. Far the most bass rigs I played for recordings got ridiculous sounding cab-sims that can't put the bassline in desired position. Perhaps there will be a "Kemper Bass Amp" one day with an improved adaption to the needs of hte low-string-pickers?

  • I've been playing bass two nights a week for 17 years (4-string), but I also gig on guitar. I bought the Kemper for guitar.
    I've profiled my TC RH450 and my MarkBass LMII bass amps with good results. Each one sounds like the respective amp. So if you're thinking of having your amp collection with you, and adding effects as a bonus, the Kemper could be for you. But once you can readily switch between them in the Kemper, you may find you really only like a few or even one of your amps. This happened to me with my electric guitar amps, which I've all but sold now.

    One downside is I have thousands of profiles of probably hundreds of different guitar amps...but only probably 5 bass amps, two of which I made myself. So the user/profile base of the Kemper is much more guitar oriented. There aren't a lot of bass amp profiles out there.
    I recently sold my CLR (which I used for guitar). There is no way that could cover bass duties in my various bands. My bass rig is the amps I mentioned and TC RS212 and RS210 cabs. Other than a festival gig, I could cover anything with a RS212 and the LMII, which together purchased on the used market is less than $700 (US). So cost is another factor. You'll pay a premium for something that is more useful for guitarists.

    To be clear, I LOVE my Kemper, and sold a wall of boutique tube amps because of it.
    But it doesn't go to my bass gigs, which are in smokey roadhouse bars, or outdoor tiki bars. I value it too much. I can get a wide range of tones out of a $300 (used price) Mark head. I've very happy at the gig with that.

    But Bass is your main thing, and you (possibly) want the best. And the Kemper really shines if you're a person that likes to tinker...mess around with effects and tones. The user interface is wonderfully easy (some people will need to break out their cheaters (glasses) to read some of the fonts). If your friend would profile all of your amps for you in his studio, that would be a great bonus.
    Some of my "turn on the bass amp and go" friends would hate it. I'm sure you know if it would be right for you in this regard. There is a learning curve for some. I've found it to be a breeze.

    Some FRFR speakers to check out would the Yamaha DXR15 (which I haven't used, but heard great things about) and the EV ZLX-15P, the latter only weighs 17 kg. I have the 12P which sells for around $335 US (dealers will discount these below MAP) and it is a great value. But I haven't tried these speakers at my bass gigs.

    Best in your search!

  • @viabcroce




    The very potential of the KPA is imo it's ability to transport the "smack"

    First of all thanks for your input CUBE...

    What you wrote is exactly what I'm after. Since I moved to live in this country, I have been missing all the amps I have been collecting during 30years. I still own them and they are in very good hands but, far away from me. I do studio works but, not at my place and I want the Kemper as a working tool for my gigs. The sound I want for whatever situation.



    So if you're thinking of having your amp collection with you, and adding effects as a bonus, the Kemper could be for you.

    That I needed to hear and thanks to you too for your input. I love your nickname by the way ^^ but, there is not such of thing as "too funky" 8o

    I know exactly what you are talking about when you said 300amps and you end up using 1 or 2, it has happen to me too but, also getting old helps to settle down and to be more critical for the sound of a specific song or an entire show for that matter. Most of the profiles are for guitar and this is exactly why I called the threat "Question to bass players", I wanted to check if there was Kemper bass users enough to jump on it confident that works for bass, not too many profiles ok but, that is not the main issue and easy to fix, just lets profile like crazy all I get while passing by. I also have to say that I'm not the shiniest smart fella when it comes to technology but, I literally never give up so, if I have to work 8h around a knob to get the sound I want, I got patience enough to do that and 8h more if needed. Also, my friends studio got all my amps and cabs which anyhow that is pretty much cower, we are like brothers from different parents and he knows I am about to drop by on my next holidays to visit La mama!!

    I have try TC RS212 and I have something funny to say... The difference between the RS212 and the RS112 is one less 12" driver, with the same head (If I remember it correctly was the TC RH450) I found the RS112 way more groovy. I know I'm just nuts! but, it is just how I did perceived it that day.

    Now the next goal is the FRFR speakers, I hope you agree with me that a 15" driver is the right approach. I may be wrong but, this is mostly why I'm asking you guys and glad to see that a bassist has drop by. Anyhow, the part of the FRFR is easy to test, there is plenty of shops within a 100km from my place but, none with a Kemper to kill 2 birds in one shot, anyhow I'm taking notes of your suggestions. At the moment I'm waiting for a friend who has another friend with a kemper, this friend is also a bassist and he was very curious about this magic box after I commented him what I was after, I'm going to wait to hear what he got to say then, wait for the local shop to bring the Kemper which I ordered and hopefully hear more about FRFR speakers while I wait to be able to test once the Kemper has arrive.

    Highly appreciated your comments guys!!

    "There is not ugly woman, they are just difficult to look at"