Origin Audio Metal Profile Pack 1 (6505+, EVH5150III, Tripple XXX)

  • Hey guys,

    took me long enough, but I finally got at least the first bundle going for my profile packs.
    Mainly aimed at the metal guys for now, although the hard rockers should have some fun with this too ;)

    If you don't want to get the whole bundle you can grab the single amps too.

    hear it in action here

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    Link to the shop

    Coming up is a Sansamp BDDI pack (still have to do demp clips for it).

    Next amps I have my eyes on is a Diezel Einstein, JCM800, Mark V & maybe a SLO100.
    Lots of new cabs too, should be fun.


  • Hi,

    This is the same song? :thumbup:

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    Stay Metal!

  • The clips sound great! I will be all over your next set of profiles as it sounds great (always looking for a great JCM800 and SLO)!!

    Thanks! I'm looking forward to them myself actually haha
    I don't know yet how many combinations of amps and cabs I'll be able to profile (depends on what I can do locally and what I can borrow), but it should be
    interesting non the less :)

    This pack is a beast. For everyone who´s even remotely into good metal and hardcore tones this is a must-buy!

    Hannes, you are the man! Thanks for your support dude, you rock :thumbup:


    This is the same song? :thumbup:

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    Stay Metal!

    Yeah, even the same DIs ;)

  • Thanks! I'm looking forward to them myself actually haha
    I don't know yet how many combinations of amps and cabs I'll be able to profile (depends on what I can do locally and what I can borrow), but it should be
    interesting non the less :)

    Hannes, you are the man! Thanks for your support dude, you rock :thumbup:

    Yeah, even the same DIs ;)


    [Blocked Image: http://www.brickwall.pl/gify/8qZ9s.gif]

    Nice video, nice sound! :thumbup:
    Stay Metal!

  • Awesome video demo and and these sound like they'd be really good.

    A little pricy for us Americans given the exchange rate. Not saying it's still not a good value as it looks like there's a lot of profiles included and I know profiling is a lot of work. I'll probably pick these up at some point but I'm already saturated with good Peavey metal profiles and the cost is definitely something I have to consider.

  • Awesome video demo and and these sound like they'd be really good.

    A little pricy for us Americans given the exchange rate. Not saying it's still not a good value as it looks like there's a lot of profiles included and I know profiling is a lot of work. I'll probably pick these up at some point but I'm already saturated with good Peavey metal profiles and the cost is definitely something I have to consider.

    Thanks man!

    I can see why you'd at first look think it's pricey, but overall I think it's pretty much the middle ground considering the amount of cash per profile.
    It's not the type of quick "ah screw it, it's only 5 bucks for a couple of profiles" pack, but rather a really broad range of really useable tones (imo).
    Everyone should be able to get good use out of most of these, at least that was my goal.

    I'd like to make a kind of "best of" for cheaper, but that would make the upgrading progress a bit of a PITA to organize, if peeps would decide to go for the full bundle :/

    But yeah, I'm well aware that there are already a lot of 5150ish packs out there (5150/MesaOS/57 especially being so popular amongst metalheads), so if you don't feel like these would be of any use for you then I'm ok with it :)
    I've always been the guy who'd rather have a larger collection of tools (be it profiles, drums samples etc...) for a what seems fair price, than to pay more per profile for less.
    If the overall quality of the larger pack seems right, ofc.

  • I Bought the bundle today and i already found a lot of great profiles.
    It will take some time to try all out, but those i have tried sounds very good.

    One question.
    Evh 5150 III is it 50w or 100w version?

  • I Bought the bundle today and i already found a lot of great profiles.
    It will take some time to try all out, but those i have tried sounds very good.

    One question.
    Evh 5150 III is it 50w or 100w version?

    Thanks, glad you dig it!
    The EVH is the 50w version (can be seen on the pic).

    Do you think it matters if it's 50w or 100w? Just so I know, then I'll also add that to the description.
    I personally don't hear a difference, that's why I didn't bother.

    Man the profiles look and sound great and I'd love to get them but maybe a little too much for me at the time being. I'll keep an eye out on your profiles and look forward to trying them eventually.

    Cool man, thanks!
    You can head to the rig exchange & search for my username to try some.
    The 2 EVH profiles I have on there are also in the pack!
    The peavey profiles aren't, as I felt there are better ones in the bundle.

    Well I don't know...would a lot of you folks prefer less profiles, and therefore a lower price?
    I honestly already had a really hard time keeping the number for this pack as what it is haha
    There are maybe below 10 profiles in there that I'd say you could do without, i.E. they are close enough to work both in the same way, but for some one would
    work better with their guitar than the other. That's why I prefer to have a lot of profiles, so everyone will find something with their guitar.

    But for future stuff I could try to keep the profile count lower, if that is prefered?

  • Well i have never played the 100w version but i know the 50w got a depth knob on the back that 100w don't, but i guess the differance probably are small.
    Don't know why i didn't look more at the picture, just read the txt file:)
    You don't have to change info, you got the right amp on picture and never mention anything about 100w.
    Keep up your good work!

  • Well i have never played the 100w version but i know the 50w got a depth knob on the back that 100w don't, but i guess the differance probably are small.
    Don't know why i didn't look more at the picture, just read the txt file:)
    You don't have to change info, you got the right amp on picture and never mention anything about 100w.
    Keep up your good work!

    I just took a look, I also tagged the 50w in the the profiles themselves (ampname in the stack).
    I also looked again, and on the bundle picture it's not really visible, compared to the single pack picture.

    I'll update it anyway, so no one thinks I want to screw people over ;)

    Thanks man!

  • Short bump, and thanks to everyone who bought it so far, hope you enjoy the profiles!

    And a small outlook: I'll most likely be kicking out the single amps, since the demand isn't nearly as high as the bundle.
    That way I'll get more space for feature amps/bundles, and don't have to pay the bigcartel fees yet.

  • Hi Mago, bought the 6505+ today and played around for a few hours, I must say this is the most mix ready good sounding pack I bought so far (and I have A LOT...).
    I really feel to recommend your profiles to anyone into modern sounding heavy guitars.
    I'd like to ask for your future pack (that I'm looking foward from now on) if you can keep a lower profile number, after going back and forth a few times starts beeing confusing finding the right one, especially if they are just numbered with no detailed information.
    I like the non boosted ones as well, so I can tweak the green screamer to my personal taste...
    I'd also like to have a couple of "as flat as possible" profiles for live use to shape according to the PA.
    Again, thanks for your awesome work and contribution to the Kemper comunity, you rock man!

  • Hey Dave!

    Thanks for your kind words man, I appreciate it and I'm glad you like the profiles :)

    I already plan to keep the profile count lower for future packs, mostly because of the same reason you mentioned (I have a hard time myself deciding for a profile whenever I reamp), but also because that way I can keep the price lower without worrying to low-ball other sellers.

    The 6505+ pack is the biggest one, mostly because the amp is my personal one, so I have unlimited time with it.
    It also has the most mic positions, which I think always comes in handy (I really like to swap around cabs and amps), although especially with guitarssounds it gets hard
    to judge them after playing a lot of different ones for a while. But I guess thats the same with different profiles from different people too.
    Theres a lot of info in the tags, more than I could give into the name without it getting cluttered on the display (I like it neat and tidy ;) ), and numbers are easier for me to write down than names (I still write a lot on paper, notes and stuff). If you have the rig editor you can access the info easier, if you're on MAC only then it clearly sucks a lot for you at this point, sorry!

    I'll make sure to have more unboosted profiles in future packs.
    For me it sounds better if the TS is already in the profile, than using the Kemper one, but I see the point of wanting to be able to tweak it yourself.
    If I get around to it I'll add some unboosted ones of the 6505+ for everyone to download too.

    I'm not enterely sure what you mean with "flat" though? Do you mean the tonestack on the peavey, or tonestack/eq in the kemper?

    Thanks again man!

  • Yep, I'm on a Mac...that's why I didn't see your infos, maybe a little pdf like in the Lasse Lammert pack would be usefull for users to better understand the difference between profiles....or a Mac Rig Manager, but it's not up to you of course!
    About my "flat" rig question, to my experience when using a mix ready profile through a big PA no matter how awesome it is for recording, it sounds thin, overcompressed and with almost painfull upper midrange...
    To give you a example, if you own any Soundside profile, they sound extremely raw, they need major tweaking for recording, but if you use them on a live situation they sound "full", very dynamic with a perfect eq balance, it's really like having the actual amp behind you...
    Of course I didn't try these profiles of yours on stage yet, but I'm quite sure that the non boosted with less gain one with a little cut on the treble would be the closest to a PA proof sound...if I had to make a profile for live show myself I'd start with every knob on the amp at 5, an sm57 not too much in the center position to avoid hi-mid boost, maybe a booster as well making sure it's just shaping the sound and not killing the dynamics...
    I hope this makes sense to you, sorry to put you under all these requests but I really see the quality of your work, that makes me wanna push you to an even better service!
    Cheers :thumbup:

  • The most differences in the profiles is the mic position.
    Not in terms of Center or Edge, but it's really a game of millimeters and angles. Theres not really a way to put that info in there in a useful way.
    But I'm gonna see if I can try out a more informative way of naming the profiles, if I don't feel like it clutters up everything!
    Like maybe at least the mic or something like that, and keep the TS/noTS thing consistent.

    Hm well, that's the first time I hear that approach to be honest haha
    Usually from what I heared so far, was that if people liked the profile for recording, they also liked it live...for me that's what's so cool about the kemper, beeing able to have the same tone on the road as in the studio.
    I don't use the kemper live (yet, maybe sometime) though, since I'd only use it if my whole band was with in-ear monitoring, so I don't have any first-hand experience with this.

    Hm I dunno man...all knobs at noon on the peavey isn't really anything fancy, especially without a TS.
    But I can try to make some the next time I'm having the kemper next to my rig, see if they come in handy for you.
    Maybe go out a little further from the center than I usually do too.
    Whenever I'm doing live-tech I usually don't place the mic that much further out compared to the studio, but mic placement always varies a lot in general.

    Haha no worries, if I wouldn't be up to do these kind of "requests" I wouldn't do it, but I'm kinda interested myself to see if it would work better for you or not.

  • I'll make sure to have more unboosted profiles in future packs.
    For me it sounds better if the TS is already in the profile, than using the Kemper one, but I see the point of wanting to be able to tweak it yourself.

    This isn't about your profiles specifically, I haven't tried them, but from a profiling aspect, I read right in the Kemper manual that it can't handle profiling an amp with a TS circuit in front of it? I've tried it at home and it gives these accentuated tunnel wah sounds. So how does this work for you, and other profiles I've seen, that have the TS right in the profile itself?