Volume pedal placement..??

  • Ok, Hi there all you kemper family members, My question is..how do I make my volume pedal act like I'm just using the master volume knob physically on the front of the amp..?
    It is acting like the volume pot on my guitar and thats not what Im after..I can do that on my guitar..lol using the behringer 1010 with the kemper chip..
    In other words when Im on a distortion patch and i roll the pedal back it starts to clean up the sound to the point of YUK..!!
    Any advice ..?
    Thanks, Cary :)

  • In the Rig menu, you can choose where to place the volume pedal in your chain, as well as whether you want that choice to apply to all of your rigs or just that specific one.

    For master volume, go with Pre-Effects or Post-Effects. Pre will have the volume pedal before your delay/reverb, so fading out the pedal will let any delay trails finish naturally - this is also how you would do volume swells with a really thick delay. Post makes your pedal the last thing in the chain, so it will affect reverb too.

  • Not worried about how effects trail off or not..I don't want my gain structure to b affected..whether I do it Pre or Post effects still effects the gain structure..
    Thanks for your reply..Cary