Cables cables cables

  • ... in case you like to improve your sound - don't forget the cables ...

    the guitar cable, the speaker cables, mic cables ...

    all play a big role - in case the rest of the signal chain is great already.

    I just upgraded all my speaker cables with Vovox cables and love the sound improvement a lot.

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  • Guitar cables, yes (capacitance, not price). Speaker cables and general low impedance applications, nah. As long as the cables are within specs and terminations are good I see no reason to spend big money in that area 8)

  • I see no reason to spend big money in that area

    yeah but I think Armin is talking about hearing not seeing... for some.. maybe they don't need good speaker cables.. maybe they're fortunate enough to have active monitors so resistance is not an issue.. but for those who run passive speakers then cables can make a noticeable difference. :)

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • yeah but I think Armin is talking about hearing not seeing... for some.. maybe they don't need good speaker cables.. maybe they're fortunate enough to have active monitors so resistance is not an issue.. but for those who run passive speakers then cables can make a noticeable difference. :)

    If they are under dimensioned ones, yes, but as long as they can deliver the power, nah 8)

  • yup.. running mogami on everything here, mice, guitars, speakers, amps...etc. and happy ... though I didn't spend a ton of money.. bought the cable and connectors on ebay and built my own... saved a bunch of cash. running 5 Crown XLS2000 & 2500's in the home theater with mogami interconnects and bi-amping B&W 800's... sounds amazing... cable does make a difference to some people.... others, maybe not.

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • Guitar cables, yes (capacitance, not price). Speaker cables and general low impedance applications, nah. As long as the cables are within specs and terminations are good I see no reason to spend big money in that area 8)

    Exactly my opinion. The high impedance and low output signal of passive guitar pickups is highly susceptible to noise and interference. Using a high quality cable like the Sommer Spirit XXL( which has an excellent value for the price) can really make a difference. The shorter the signal chain before the amp input stage, the better. So if you do not abolutely need stomp boxes before the amp input, get rid of them. Even True Bypass Devices will most likely degrade your signal due to the longer cable runs.

    After the guitar signal has passed the preamp stage the signal will be at lower impedance and higher level and thus much more robust. You can absolutely use inexpensive cables after this point. However be sure to use real speaker cables after the power amp output, otherwise you might blow up your output transformers.

  • +1 cables do matter!

    For example comparing my Elixir to my Mogami... night and day. One is not better than the other, but seriously different sounding. My favourite all-around cable right now is the Sommer XXL. But it is also imprortant to not buy the directional... silver etc. bullshit. The most important things (regarding sound) are capacitance and length.

  • Interesting !

    absolutely!! it can be night n' day differences... I use a 15 footer Mogami for my guitar that sounds totally different from other cables.. much smoother top end and I built one for my bassist who plays a 6 string Roscoe and what a difference it made... he loves it and dumped all his other cables... of course, buttery creamy sweet doesn't apply to all players.. some like the top end roll off of a 100' cable... 8| can't imagine why but to each their own!! :thumbup:

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • I do notice balanced cables are better for my speakers.
    Also, while I do have expensive cables for my guitars, when I've tested them, it's much more noticeable for Acoustic with pickups than Electric.

    But if you layer Electric, the difference will show up very quickly.

    Better cables last a LOT longer. I've never had my $30-60 cables break, but my $8 break after a few years, even if I don't use them it seems, I pull one out and I get no sound and sure enough, it's the cheap ass cable.

    I've even Soldered them, but in the end, it's not worth it.

    My favorite guitar cable is the tweed Fender cable since it's lack of rubber doesn't get all stuck and knotted.

  • and don't forget your connectors... I use Neutrik NP2RX-AU-SILENT 90º Right-Angle 1/4" TS connector and Neutrik NP2X-B Gold 1/4" TS connector for my instrument cables.. the silent connectors are fantastic!!! no noise when switching between guitars.. unplugging or plugging in.

    Gettin' funky up in here..