Getting ready to make first commercial rigs purchase

  • Im getting ready to make my first commercial rigs purchase.

    I must admit I have been overwhelmed (in a good way) with the ones that came with the system and the few I have downloaded from the Kemper site and from a few members here. Great stuff!

    But with the imminent release of the Michael Wagener Rig Pack, I think I will wait until they are released before adding to the 680 rigs currently on the Kemper.

  • There is so much available I think it really is overwhelming. In truth I guess I use regularily about a dozen profiles. I reckon a third are my own, a third are from TAF and the last third are random ones from RE and Tone Clones from Silent Underground
    I just wish I had the time to trawl through the 4.5 thousand on RE but hopefully the rating system might help weed some out.
    I still don't have a workflow in place for just auditioning profiles, the problem is when you find a good one you can lose an hour.....

    Edited once, last by smfelton (May 11, 2014 at 8:35 PM).

  • What guitars do you have?

    And do you have either some amps you would like (i.e. Fender, Marshall, Vox, etc) or is there some commercial songs you like that you would like to get the sound of amp-wise?

    That will help identify what amps in who's packs you are interested in.

    Andy of TAF is certainly the standard bearer, and I have 85% of his stuff. SoundSide makes some good amps. Pete's does (for my money using an LP), Top Jimi has been doing some good work, and there are others for sure.

    But TAF seems to give people the most bang for the buck. Still, you strike me as a frugal person, and if so, you will want to target your purchases to particular individual amps, most likely. If you decide to get a pack later on, Andy works with you on the price difference.

  • Thanks for the suggestions. Im strictly rock and blues. No metal or hi gain for me. :D

    Ok, this confuses the hell out of me. You post in multiple places you are dying to get the Michael Wagener pack, but then you say you don't like hi-gain and metal, but you are holding out for that Wagener pack before thinking of adding to your profiles.

    You DO know Herr Wagener is known for producing Hard-Rock and Metal, yes?

  • Ok, this confuses the hell out of me. You post in multiple places you are dying to get the Michael Wagener pack, but then you say you don't like hi-gain and metal, but you are holding out for that Wagener pack before thinking of adding to your profiles.

    You DO know Herr Wagener is known for producing Hard-Rock and Metal, yes?

    LOL! Really? Then I understand your confusion.

    ( Take deep breathes and calm down db9091 :D )

    In his video interview with Michael Elsner, bands like Alice Cooper, Al Cooper, Queen, Ozzie Ozbourne and Janet Jackson were pictured or mentioned in addition to the metal bands. I figured his rigs would represent a diverse assembly of styles. You might be correct in thinking they will all be metal. In which case I wont download or use them.

    Now stop hyper ventilating or you will pass out. 8)

  • What guitars do you have?

    And do you have either some amps you would like (i.e. Fender, Marshall, Vox, etc) or is there some commercial songs you like that you would like to get the sound of amp-wise?

    That will help identify what amps in who's packs you are interested in.

    Andy of TAF is certainly the standard bearer, and I have 85% of his stuff. SoundSide makes some good amps. Pete's does (for my money using an LP), Top Jimi has been doing some good work, and there are others for sure.

    But TAF seems to give people the most bang for the buck. Still, you strike me as a frugal person, and if so, you will want to target your purchases to particular individual amps, most likely. If you decide to get a pack later on, Andy works with you on the price difference.

    Thanks. Very helpful info.As I learn or compose new tunes, I listen for a rig that seems to fit. I have no particular affinity for any make of amps or cabs.

    I have a Jackson 2000 Soloist SL1 USA not for its "shredding image" , but because its a sweet ax and plays like butter.

    Also have a fine James Tyler Variax thats really about 24 guitar tones. It gives me a lot of diversity.

    I got the TAF freebees so have a bit of familiarity with his stuff. If the MW rigs turns out to be all metal, I will pay close attention to what the other venders have to offer.

    Theoretically the 680 rigs I have on the Kemper should be more than enough. know...

    Edited 5 times, last by lasvideo (May 12, 2014 at 5:09 AM).

  • 10 years from now, all the metal guys like me will have go on to doing pop songs, disillusioned with the lack of money in our genre.

    At the same time, all the pop guys will have become hardcore, like Justin Bieber, pelting eggs and acting like bad boys.

    As such, I always say that more rigs are better. All rigs are welcome. Commercial rigs are coveted. Free rigs are cherished.

    I've kept most of the stock profiles on my Kemper. They cover a really large area of music in terms of tones. Won't see me complaining about boot up time either.