
  • I would love to have some tutorial videos also , I asked for this almost 2 years ago, I work 2 jobs,=18 hrs a day , & don't have the time to experiment or tweak the kpa , in fact , my kpa has not even been turned on for over 3 months, it is just easier to switch on my main amp a carvin V3 & play. please someone make a good tutorial vid, I have even offered to pay for one... roger

    Roger, heres a good one that Mats just released.

    LA 80 clean rack sound - do the "schmoo" - including a Youtube tutorial

    There are three on this page.


    And another.


  • I listened three times, and to the song2, and i couldn't hear it. But my sound system is only so-so. Made me wanna practice though! I'm a noob too, but would the balance of input senses (clean and dist) help blending overtones? Btw, i love the new 2.4 cab parameters for ajusting "overtones" (if that's what they're called.)

  • Thanks.

    So doesn't everyone have this issue then? Or do they just not hear it?

    Can't speak for anyone else but I don't seem to notice it much. Then again I'm playing mostly single coils and pretty clean. I do like a little "hair" on my tones from time to time but that overdrive separation we were talking about is not a issue for me.

    About the original tone of your riff:
    Now I know it's not what you want but to me it's got a rough and tumble, almost Hendrix street vibe to it. It's kind of cool and if it were my tone I think I'd play with amplifying that odd order harmonic characteristic even more. I like things that have out of the ordinary character, even quirky character. It's a nice riff, good rhythmic feel, well executed with feeling. Food for thought?

  • Phil, could you mess around with clean sense and distorted sense and see if things improve? Also, are your pickups situated a strange distance from your strings?

    I didn't like the tone like you, sounded very lo-fi to me. I couldn't pin down what I didn't like though, might be what you call distortion separation. '

    How did you record that clip, btw? Direct into interface? Micing your cab up?

  • Can't speak for anyone else but I don't seem to notice it much. Then again I'm playing mostly single coils and pretty clean. I do like a little "hair" on my tones from time to time but that overdrive separation we were talking about is not a issue for me.

    About the original tone of your riff:
    Now I know it's not what you want but to me it's got a rough and tumble, almost Hendrix street vibe to it. It's kind of cool and if it were my tone I think I'd play with amplifying that odd order harmonic characteristic even more. I like things that have out of the ordinary character, even quirky character. It's a nice riff, good rhythmic feel, well executed with feeling. Food for thought?

    Thank you all for your replies. I hear little distorted overtones when I'm playing and they distract me. Are they not an issue because they don't appear in your tones or because you are just able to ignore them?

    Thanks for your kind words. The tone is okay, I don't mind it that much but I know that I can do better. I'd rather recreate some decent recorded tones before messing about with quirky ones, if that makes sense.

    Thanks for the kind words about the riff. The whole song is here, with a slightly more rounded tone but with that characteristic still present. It's just a demo again. (The solo starts at 2.34 ;) ) Again, you can hear it at the end when the final chord is played.


    Phil, could you mess around with clean sense and distorted sense and see if things improve? Also, are your pickups situated a strange distance from your strings?

    I didn't like the tone like you, sounded very lo-fi to me. I couldn't pin down what I didn't like though, might be what you call distortion separation. '

    How did you record that clip, btw? Direct into interface? Micing your cab up?

    I will have a look at that, but I thought that clean and distortion sens was mainly about matching volume levels? I am just using the TAF profiles, which sound amazing on the website (probably just marketing) and do sound decent through my monitors but somewhat lacklustre when recorded. I just seem to have trouble in tone shaping, although again, it sounds decent through my monitors.

    It was recorded directly into my usb interface then into Logic Pro x. It might have been the volume I recorded it at, I noticed that if I have the master on hour Kemper lower when recording the tone just sounds weaker as you turn it up on the DAW.

    I need to go on a training seminar I think lol. Maybe these overtones are just the nature of the Kemper and now that I've noticed it, un-noticing it will be a hard task?

    Like I said before, I do notice it a little when using a real amp but not as extreme and it's more blended and compressed, a part of the tone, not separate.

    Edited 4 times, last by PhilUK84 (May 10, 2014 at 10:21 PM).

  • "I do notice it a little when using a real amp but not as extreme and it's more blended and compressed, a part of the tone, not separate."

    The fact that you hear it in both your Kemper and your amp makes me think:
    1) this could be an artifact of your guitar
    2) any artifact is going to show up more in your KPA.

    I'd guess the reason you hear it less in your amp is most guitar amps and speakers roll off a lot of high end. That's why I suggested putting an EQ into the X slot, cut some top end and play with the EQ mix control until it sounds better. Another trick is to insert a parametric EQ, identify the freqs that are most offensive and put them down. Most engineers will tell you cutting EQ is better than boosting.

    Anyway, keep us posted on your results and if I find something else that could help I'll gladly share it with you.

  • A R9 LP and the Kemper should sound killer.

    the best way to check if its the KPA or the ret of the system (mixer, cables, amp, headphones/speakers) is:
    listen to demo samples via the same system.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • Im relatively new to the site. So Im wondering what the policy is on hijacking threads?

    This started out as a dialog about tutorials. Then became a conversation about trouble shooting some specific problems. Shouldn't a new thread have been started out of respect for the OP and original participants?

    Maybe thats not a big deal on this site. This is why I am asking.

  • lasvideo, I see your point. Maybe the Admin could have been switched it to "Questions and Answers" or "Issues and Troubleshooting" but I wouldn't say it was hijacked, morphed is more like it. We're just trying to help the OP with his issue which is why he was looking for videos in the first place. That's how it ended up talking about tone. No disrespect intended by anybody.

  • thank you, lasvideo, yes I have seen those, still would like to see more, it would be great if KEMPER would make a video, I would still be willing to pay for it, again thanks, roger

  • So you tried a graphic EQ in the X slot and it didn't help? If so, then I'm really stumped.

    No, I haven't had a chance due to work, but I'm trying to get as much information as possible to start trying today. I'm new to EQing and there's so many options that I don't know where to start. I hear this on every single profile. I think it's a trait of the digital thing.

    Basically what I want is, a profile with decent EQing that you've used for recording so that I can compare and learn from, because now I'm not sure if it's me and my technique or just a poor profile that needs a lot of EQing. I'm sorry if it seems like a lot, but I'm just stabbing in the dark without a decent example to learn from.

    Thanks again.

    Im relatively new to the site. So Im wondering what the policy is on hijacking threads

    I am the OP...

  • Seemed to me like you thought that it was someone else who 'hijacked'. Can I hijack my own thread? No.

    Plus, my asking for tutorials was to get rid of the overtones that I hear, so to address the issue directly is perfectly normal etiquette.