Amp Factory rigs boomy/muddy vs Soundside or Tills

  • I fear I may have created a monster!

    First up I want to note that having bought from both Andy and Armin, their products and communications are excellent.

    I haven't been able to do more experimenting due to noise constraints, but I think my main issue seems to be the Marshall Toolkit; other of Andy's profiles I have bought do not seem to be a problem (excerpt for the occasional one with a 'loudness' fx). And I do recall Armin selling me a particular Plexi pack based on it being brighter and more suited to my humbucking guitars.

    I'm going to crank it tomorrow to test some more, but it is increasingly looking like it's the Marshall Toolkit that's setting me wrong. Interestingly I pulled up the SLO pack I bought from Andy which I hadn't used recently due to my Marshall focus, and was reminded how much fun it was!

    Andy thanks for your offer to contact you by PM. I will do so once I've had the chance to try out some things, especially loud volume, so that I can ask more informed questions. FYI I have the CLRs on the FL setting, on the floor in the non tilt position.

  • I will see if his other pack is better he will send me tomorrow ...

    Pack #5 send to you ...

    Yes, the profiles from Pack #33 are MUCH darker - as indented.

    A Gibson LP is a more dark guitar - and the EMG's make it even darker - for this guitar would I not recommend pack #33.
    If you would use a very bright guitar then it may be a completely different story.

    Here is a mp3 I created at the time when I created Pack#33 - this time a bright guitar was used:
    Pack#33 vs Pack#5

    btw. both profile packs (#5 and #33) use the same amp settings but different speakers - this makes a big difference.

    Marshall 1936V with Vintage V30 speakers
    Royer R121 microphone

    Mesa Boogie Thiele with C90 speaker
    Royer R121 microphone

    What cabinet/speaker and mic did you use?

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    Great Profiles -->

    Edited once, last by Armin (May 3, 2014 at 8:06 AM).

  • Marshall V30. like in pack 2, Treble and highgs at about 12 o clock
    A lot of Bass a lot of Resonance
    Mostly SM57 some are SM57 + Condenser blend
    Edge Straight position
    I know a royer is darker than a SM57.
    But i still cant tell why your samples on the page even for the "dark" JVM are sounding that bright like mine
    A EMG is one of the brightest Humbuckers you can have
    Will try pack two later

  • I have the TAF Marshall toolkit, I have used in anger at gig volume and to me it sounds like Marshall's played at full bore to be honest, I have played most of the real amps in the this pack and they sound spot on to me to be honest.
    When I play at home I use an eq and have rolled off a little of the bottom end mainly as it vibrates around the house too much which let's be honest is what a Marshall played at full tilt would do anyway :thumbup:

  • I´m pretty sure playing profiles with poweramp and monitor cab is different and also strange miced profiles can work
    when i switch between different miced 5150 profiles..some i like..and some i dont like but similar settings - with monitor cab off and real cab difference is not that big..1-2% not more

    I´m only talking of studio pure profile without poweramp for recording or sending to PA

  • Ok Armin i tested pack two. Not promised too much!
    Great work! Much much better than the other pack!

    Sounds quiet close to mine, only difference is mic and a taste thing.
    Royer sounds rounder, SM57 more in your face mixfriendly.
    But i really like both. I tried to blend them ;) but worked not really...only maybe with panning

    here is the next soundclip
    First Soundside JVM Royer mic....then my Profile SM57…20Soundside.mp3

  • My soundclips are only guitar and Kemper - no additional EQs or post processing.
    I can't speak for the user samples - but e.g Guenter and Stephan did not use any EQs as well.

    I never used any additional EQs and I never tweaked Armin's profiles, the only thing added is sometimes a little reverb or delay from Cubase. The rest is always the pure profile and that's it.

    Of course the guitars, playing-style, picks, strings ect. play quite a big role, too. ;)

    I can say that there a lot of awesome profiles out there, from Armin, Andy and others. For sure you have to find the right ones for you and that's very subjective, but if everything is sounding "muddy" or "dull", maybe it has nothing to do with the profiles. Two easy examples: if Armin's "Goldfinger" or Andy's "Bassman '59" doesn't sound well, it's not the profile for sure....

    My equipment:

    - mainly vintage guitars ('58 strat, '66 strat, '66 tele, '62 Epiphone Riviera, '69 Gibson ES-335, '73 Gibson LP Goldtop) or custom shop models.
    - 2 Klein + Hummel O110 studio-monitors + 1 ADAM Sub8 subwoofer
    - RME Fireface 400 + UAD Apollo Twin
    - Cubase 7.5, Wavelab 8
    - Dunlop picks (1.14 mm) and D'Addario strings (010)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

    Edited once, last by guenterhaas (May 3, 2014 at 6:46 PM).

  • I confess I like "tweaked" profiles better than Raw ones. TAF did a raw pack and I didn't like it as much.

    I guess I'm lazy that way. I want to plug and play, not tweak, which is why I got the Kemper.

    The beauty is you CAN do both, and the new CAB parameters go a long way to new sound carving.

    But I'd like to have a "tweaked" set of profiles from Armin! Or do you only roll raw, Armin? ha ha

  • Most of my profile packs include both - raw profiles and "ready to use profiles with effects".

    Yes, you do tweaked ones, I didn't mean to give a wrong impression that you only do "raw" amps.

    Let me clarify: I meant I'd love some Armin profiles tweaked to particular famous tones. Like Mark Knofler, B B King, etc.

    You have so many profiles, I'm sure some folks have dialed in some sweet famous tones, it would be cool to have an area where buyers could get them shared to you and back to owners of those originals. Like what Deadlightstudio is talking about.

  • I don't believe at rigs as "Mark Knofler, B B King".

    And even when you would get the exact same setting as one of them use - and the same mic - mic position ....

    ... you would need to use the same guitar - and fingers :)

    Give then any of the profiles and they will sound like them ;)

    IMHO is the best way to check all the profiles from one pack after the other and find out which one works best for your needs, taste, style, guitar, fingers ...

    ... and then spend some time to fine tune with the KPA controls.

    Unfortunately is there no short cut - even 3 Strat's or LP's will sound different - you may use darker or brighter monitor speakers ....

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    Great Profiles -->

  • Ok Armin i tested pack two. Not promised too much!
    Great work! Much much better than the other pack!

    Sounds quiet close to mine, only difference is mic and a taste thing.
    Royer sounds rounder, SM57 more in your face mixfriendly.
    But i really like both. I tried to blend them ;) but worked not really...only maybe with panning

    here is the next soundclip
    First Soundside JVM Royer mic....then my Profile SM57…20Soundside.mp3

    I am glad Pack #5 worked for you - sounds good with your guitar!

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • True, I can't argue any of these points. I was thinking they would be a good starting off profiles was all. Thanks!

  • Ok, I must be doing something wrong here. So I am looking to you good folks for suggestions.

    Hi man, I didn't notice in thread if you mentioned what music do you play.
    You bought Chimera pack, so I reckon you play metal.

    If so, most Andy's profiles won't suit you.
    I bought from Andy, Armin and Till, I play different styles. Andy makes terrific vintage and rock profiles.

    Some of TAF profiles I found dull to, but only until you adjust them to your guitar and playing style. For instance, Diezel VH4 profile lacks treble and on the first try I was disappointed, but turning couple knobs changed everything. Now it's my favourite profile for playing live heavy stuff.

    I have two guitars: basswood and mahogany. Profiles, which I tweaked for basswood, don't sound good with mahogany one and I have to readjust most of them.

    So keep in mind that if amp was setup for profiling with bright guitar, it will sound dull with dark guitar. But Kemper allows incredible controls for adjustments.
    Try out different parameters.

    Usually I follow 4 steps:
    1) turn eq knobs: lower bass or increase treble and presence
    2) try Definition to achieve edgy sound if necessary
    3) add stomp (boost or dist) before amp
    4) apply EQ after amp