FCB1010 - hmmm

  • Hello,

    Well I just waited 3 weeks for the Uno 4 Kemper to go with my FCB1010.

    I have been hanging to use this.
    Well! what a real disappointment.
    I calibrated the Volume pedal twice or 3 times, still has a really poor range of movement,IMO.
    On zero it goes to the tuner and I have to move the pedal quite a bit to get it off.
    That really doesn't leave much range at all.
    While playing if you go back to far the tuner comes on.

    So I think I will disable the tuner to avoid this while playing.
    I have been playing with the Volume range in the Kemper.
    Many years ago, when I was using a GT8, I use to have it set like this, heal 60% toe 100%, which worked really well for Rhythm and lead.

    Is this range of movment normal for the FCB1010, or do I need to change something?

    Any help apprenticed.

    One more thing, I see only a hand full of rigs with Midi #, so do I have to give them all a number if I want to use them?

    I can see a lot of work in this.



  • The FCB pedals have a shorter range than, let's say, a Boss FV500.
    But are you aware you can change the volume curve applied to the movement of the pedal ( from linear to logarithmic settings)?
    Still you can do the 60% to 100% thing playing with the volume range.
    You'll lose the tuner at heel position then of course.

    One more thing, I see only a hand full of rigs with Midi #, so do I have to give them all a number if I want to use them?

    I can see a lot of work in this.



    It's time to make yourself familiar with performance mode. ;)

  • Just got the Behringer 1010 with EurekaProm 2 chip. Very happy with its performance, pedals and all.

    For a good feeling/sounding cry baby, set up Wah in Stomp 1 with these settings. :thumbup:

    Manual 3.4

    Peak 7.5

    Pedal Range 31%

    Peak Range -43 %

    Edited once, last by lasvideo (April 16, 2014 at 1:22 AM).

  • Hello All,

    Thanks cranyrayhany, yes I agree. Good not great.

    After hours of playing, I came to the same conclusion, leave the pedal alone and use presets for solo and boosts.

    I did just that, I set all my effects and have 2 boosts on the X and Mod.

