Wah pedal FCB 1010 w/uno chip

  • did you do a calibration of the 1010? That is always needed! if not, one of your pedals won't function...I had the same issue when I got the chip first...you need to calibrate it!

    2.9 Calibrating expression pedals A and B

    • Keep the switches 1 and 3 pressed while powering up the unit. This puts your FCB1010 into self-test mode, and all LEDs are being tested.
    • Please wait until all switch LEDs light up. Then press all the switches, including the UP/ENTER and DOWN/ESCAPE keys, so that all LEDs are turned off.
    • Wait for a moment while the relay test is completed (four quiet cliking sounds are heard). The display shows F1 if no MIDI connection is present. If you connected MIDI Out to MIDI In, the display shows A1. In this case, the MIDI connections operate correctly.
    • Press DOWN/ESCAPE once.
    • Move the expression pedal A to the lowest value possible (pedal open). The VALUE 1 LED lights up. When the value is adjusted, press the UP/ENTER key.
    • Move the expression pedal A to the highest value possible (pressed down all the way). The VALUE 2 LED lights up. When the value is adjusted, press the UP/ENTER key.
    • Move the expression pedal B to the lowest value possible. When the value is adjusted, press the UP/ENTER key.
    • Move the expression pedal B to the highest value possible. When the value is adjusted, press the UP/ENTER key.
    Both pedals are now correctly calibrated.

  • Just tired that a few times, and now neither pedal is working.

    Under the System Settings - Pedals.... it says 1 and 2 are both unplugged wtf?

  • easy! no need for swearing....

    Again, do a calibration: hold, 1+3 down powering up....

    wait for all the lights to come up, press all pedals 1-10 and up and down....

    then wait for the click...

    then press down....

    bring pedal A all the way down, hit up then bring it back up, hit up

    do the same for Pedal B...


    In the System config it will say unplugged since you are not using the A/B plugs for the expression pedals on the kemper unit itself...go 2 page further...it will say Wha ped to Pitch or Wah to Volume..check what is needed or not...and also check the box in the upper right...show control info...once you do that you can see if the pedals will work as there is a graphic representation in form of a bar moving back and forth for each pedal...

  • Thanks.... still the same thing. Nothing from either pedal

    What Midi global channel should I be using?

  • MIDI channel should be set to Omni....

    do a factory reset on the 1010...1+6 and switch on...do the same thing again 1+3+ on to self test cand calibrate or 1+5+on to just calibrate the pedals....

    Basic trouble shooting question...are you connected to MIDI in->MIDI out and vice versa? Are the pedals of the 1010 behaving like they should and it's only the expression pedals?

    Please download the UnO4Kemper and the Berhinger FCB1010 manual and follow these instructions.

    Sorry I couldn't help

    Good luck!

  • how do you have the pedals set up? Left Wah and Right Volume? then you need to check the appropriate box and of course also have the effect loaded in...you won't see the Pitch/ Expression bar move if it's not used as part of an effect...you will only see the Volume and Wah move...since wah is active...does that make sense?