Trying to get a head start on proper gain staging.

  • Brand new Kemper owner so much to learn.

    I'd first like to get my gain staging sorted as this in terms of my recording exploits has always been a key area.

    I'm using the SPDIF out into a Focusrite Liquid 56 and note that the vast majority of profiles as they come out of the box are very hot on the input on the Liquid 56 often peaking near to clipping if not clipping. Is there any technical reason not to back off the master to so -20db or so on my audio interface so I get my headroom back. Am I losing any aspect of the profiled sound by doing this?

    I haven't got round to re-amping yet so haven't been able to track at different Master levels, volume compensate, and then flip phase to see if they null completely. Dare say I will get to it in time. Meantime just to get to grips with the different sections of the amp advice on Master output level would be great.

    Cheers guys

  • The profiler is unusually hot.
    I stick to -10dB for the analog outputs for line level. Make sure the profiler output isn't peaking in the red either.
    Other than that, any DAC in your chain should receive -15dB at the very most.

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    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."