Kemper clean and Gibson ES335 - can't be used togehter

  • This was once fixed for the LesPaul - but is back again for my ES335.

    Any clean profile with my ES335 can't be used together.

    There is some kind of strange distortion (comming from the amp block) - Gain is set to 0.

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    Edited 2 times, last by Armin (March 3, 2014 at 9:11 PM).

  • Just went back to 2.2.1 - it's the same.

    Back to 2.1.1b (where the fix for the LP was done) - it's the same.

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    Edited once, last by Armin (March 3, 2014 at 9:11 PM).

  • ok, this is strange....

    My LP is much louder then my ES335 - and there is not the noise - so it's not a level thing.

    My second thought was that the ES335 produces more bass - but it's all fine with my real bass guitar.

    When I use the bridge PU from the ES335 then I got no noise.

    All other guitars are fine too.

    The ES335 sounds fine via any of my real amps - and via the KPA when I switch off the Stack.

    Here is a sound sample:
    1) ES335 Neck PU
    2) ES335 Bridge PU
    3) LesPauls Neck PU
    4) LesPauls Bridge PU
    5) Tele Neck PU
    6) Tele Bridge PU

    Strange Kemper Clean Noise

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • I've been having a similar problem off and on since I got my Kemper almost 3 years ago. What I JUST figured out is the issue is -10db vs 4db TRS/XLR. I feed my Kemper via SPDIF into an Interface (with zero latency monitoring) and then directly into a Behringer AUTOCOM PRO which goes into some KRK RP8 monitor speakers + sub. I have the Behringer set to +4db and presto, no more clipping on any presets. By clipping I mean audible clipping.

    I don't know how SPDIF interfaces with +4db pro level but I do know whatever interface boxes / processors must support that as an output level.. and so do your monitor speakers.

    Suddenly my tones sound better and no clipping no matter hard I try.

    Maybe this will help you narrow down your issue. ^^

  • Reading this is very interesting. I've too have suffered this strange distortion/clipping sound every now and then. This first came to light for me when I was using a Lasse profile there was this audible clipping but no red lights on the KPA and my Pro Tool meters were only hitting -6 ???? I even emailed Lasse to find out if the actual amp he profiled sounded like this and he said no. I narrowed it down to the monitor out volume being on full. If I dropped this volume a couple of db the clipping/distortion went away. I never got round to testing the other outputs as I normally always use the monitor out as my main output when recording. At first I thought it was me but reading the above 2 posts sound very much like my issue I had

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • I recognize what you are talking about in those recordings. I have experienced the same low-level bursty kind of digital hash/fizz noise with clean profiles (and/or gain turned to 0). I'm currently at 2.2.1 but it's happened in multiple earlier versions as well. I've compensated by finding profiles that don't seem to be as prone to it. For example, it's still there when I use Morgan AC20, but much less prone to the problem than several other cleans I've tried (AC30 HW, Armin's AC30, one of my own clean profiles, etc.).

    I've experience it over headphones and speakers (including just headphones with nothing else plugged in but the power cord).

    I've tried sys reset, clean sense adjustment, multiple guitars (humbucker, P90, single coil), turning down the volume on guitar, different grounding switch options on the back of KPA, moving around the room, and adjusting amp parameters in the Kemper.

    Oddly, changing the Pick parameter positive or negative greatly increases the activity/rate of the noise (though not much the amplitude), so I basically have to keep Pick at 0 to get the smallest serving of noise.

    The Pick issue seems to be the best potential clue. What could be wrong such that moving the Pick parameter into + or - values boosts the rate of noise spurts?

    edit: just tried turning Monitor Volume down (and Monitor plus Main when using headphones)... the noise is still there.

    Edited 3 times, last by harmonic (March 4, 2014 at 4:04 AM).